Who's the hero now

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                David father drove pass the street, he saw a lot of newspapers about his son. He first saw"the hero saves a girl","the hero has the girl" and has no clue that it was his son until he saw"the evil child saves a girl and at once he asked the man who was selling to give it to him and he paid, someone asks him to buy "the evil child turns hero", but he refused.
                        At school
Max and David walked passed the hallway.
" isn't her salary from evils kitchen enough for her tuition? ".
" yes,it is".
"Then why isn't she in school, yet?".
" it is her choice ".
" I think I must be involved sooner than ever".
"I think you are already involved".
As he shown him the video of him saving Cindy.
" the whole world has seen this, are you ready?,are you aware of what you got your self? ".
" yes I am, I am aware and I am so freaking ready ".
As they walked apart, Max was taken with speed and put beside a wall.
David looked back and Max was gone, his thought was" whatever "and continued walking, he thought maybe he disappeared to class.
" what are you doing? ",asked Max.
"Protecting you, the evil child would have killed you".
Max removed her hand from him.
" I am we have settled ,he will not harm me".
"Like you thought before, then he thrown fireball at you and thrown you off the hill".
" this time is different ".
" I can't believe you forgave him are you that naive ?".
"I am greatful you saved my life, I mean if you didn't fly up and catch me then,I would not be alive today. Thank you,but Elsa the way I and Dave are may be strange but I know what I am doing".
" if you say so".
Max was about to leave.
"Are you leaving like that?".
Max kissed her.
" that more like it".
"We will see later,bye for now".
He leaves.
Few minutes later Max went to David, he was trying to help someone but was having a little complications with the bullies.
" let him go",said David.
"If I don't what would you do, you don't hurt anymore, so what please me is that I wouldn't let him go even if you kneel".
David was already going close to the boy with anger and rage and you know what will happen if he gets closer.
" hey,Dave ",said Max as he ran towards him.
"Dave don't, you know if you if you do this, everything you work for will all be  for waste".
" no wonder why my grand father always said "being good isn't good".
" you know that isn't true ".
" all I can see now is how true it is ",David walked away.
                  In Evils Kitchen
Cindy was watching the dishes. A girl was cleaning the water from the dishes already washed.
" the news of the hero has spread ".
" who? ".
"The guy who saved you,Cindy".
Cindy thought it was the guy who saved her from the evil child cousin.
"How do you know about him?".
" it is all over the news,he saved you from the lorry ".
Cindy realise who she was talking about.
" oh,the guy who saved me is the evil child not the hero ".
" he isn't the evil child anymore, he has changed, he is the hero now ".
" I don't believe that ".
" but he saved you, so tell me how did you thank him, with a kiss,a huge".
Cindy kept quiet.
"Don't tell me you didn't thank him, how cruel of you, someone saved your life, the least you could have done is thank him".
" I think we should end this topic and just concentrate on this plate".
Cindy thought of what she said and thought herself as cruel for not thanking him.
                   In the mansion
David mum sat on a chair and was reading "the evil child turns hero".
David dad came in and threw the newspaper he brought at her.
" since when did you know about this? ",he yelled.
" calm down honey,I knew it happened in screamed but I never knew it would go this far".
"You should have told me at once".
" so what do we do?",David's mum asked David's father but David's father  just stood thinking.
David came in shortly, he just came band from school.
His father threw the newspaper from upstairs to David down stairs.
"What is this?".
David looked at it,it was written boldly"the evil child saves the girl".
" it's exactly what you saw,dad".
"Since when do evil saves I have always known evil to destroyed".
" maybe I am not that evil anymore ".
" what has gotten into you".
"I don't know myself dad,But I am ready to save this girl again and again not caring what you would do to me".
" wow, so it's the girl, the only way a guy do crazy things is only if a girl is involved, I should have known. Go pack your bags,we are leaving, we will go and live some where far that you would forget about this girl and move on with your life, a evidence life."
"Dad please, I don't want to leave",pleaded David.
" oh my God, I can't believe you are begging, you have really gone soft Dave, we Glory's don't beg,we command, we give an order,now go up stairs and pack",commanded his father.
"You are right dad,we don't beg,that's why I mean it when I say I am not going any where,I am staying right here,you can go with out me", had eyes changed and his had a serious and strong face. He went upstairs, his mother came running to him.
" listen to your father and go pack".
"Stay away from this, woman".
She wanted to slap him but he held her hand and brought it down, then he entered his room and locked his door.
         Outside of Evils kitchen
Cindy just finishing her shift, she was going home but a girl appeared to her.
" you are Cindy Evil, right? "
"And why do you wish to know?".
" I am a friend of Ronald and he sent me a message to give to her, so are you Cindy Evil? ".
" yes I am, what's the message ".
She smiled and blew some dust on Cindy's face that made her to sleep.
" there's no message ".
She disappeared with Cindy.
           In the play room
David was holding the globe about to use it.
" I thought you said you wouldn't use that again".
"Yes I did, but I am having this felling,that I can't explain, I have to put it on".
" you know you are invaded in her privacy".
"Is not as if I am doing anything wrong".
" spying on her is wrong ".
David switched it on.
" you never listen to me, do you? ".
He saw a girl taped
Cindy to a chair and about to put a knife in her. When he saw this he disappeared,by this time Max was no longer paying attention to David.
" I am going to make your pretty face not pretty anymore ".
" please don't I beg you ".
David appeared.
" let her go".
"Oh the evil child or should I call you the hero now but the question is why are you focused on saving this girl, are you her guardian angel,now".
" I am not going to repeat myself ".
" and what are you going to do to me?".
David brought out fire from his hand.
"Heroes don't kill".
" oh try me".
She let Cindy go.
"Go,Cindy I will handle this".
" wait, I want to know, why do you want to disfigure me,what did I ever do to you ".
" you stole my boyfriend from me".
" yes".
"You are wicked,I leave you to her evil child", she leaves.
" you heard her".
Max found out David was no longer in the room and saw the globe,David did not remember to switched it off because he left in a hurry.
Cindy was leaving a building, the globe was to show where Cindy was and that what it did .Max disappeared.
"You like her", said the girl.
" no,I don't ",as he said he speed to her and held her on her neck.
" then why are you doing this? ",at this time he is strangling her.
" do I ever have a reason for killing, a reason for hurting and a reason for destroying, it is what I do, it is who I am and what I love".
Max appeared.
And she dies.
"That's a question she will have to  answer at the other side", said Max.
" Max",in a low voice.
"Don't, I should have known, there is no way I can change you, you are evil and the evil child can't be a hero, it's in your blood".
"Max ,I was only trying to save her". Max disappeared.
             At Ronald's house.
" you mean the evil child saved you and my ex tried to give you a scar on your face".
"Yes, Ronald, why didn't you tell me you had such an ex".
" I am sorry, I didn't know she will go that far".
"And I didn't know that I would be saying right now that if not for the evil child where will I be,twice Ronald, twice, he saved me twice now".
" it okay Cindy, it could be he actually changed for the better ".
" no,Ronald he saving me doesn't bring my best friend back to life, his just saving me so I don't die and escape such an horrible life he put me".
"Cindy your life isn't horrible once o am here".
                    At the mansion
David's grandfather came to visit with his cousins.
" grandpa,why are you here?,it's not my birthday ".
" it isn't but it is a special day ".
" hi David ".
" hi cousin".
His grandfather clicks his fingers and one of his cousins brought David a box.
"I thought of bringing you a gift".
David opened the box and saw a new born baby's head in it".
" a human head, isn't that old,don't you get tired".
"Evil never gets tired".
" should I drop it in your room among the others ?",asked his cousin.
"No, there are no others anymore, I throw them away, besides they swell".
" what,you did what?",asked the cousins.
Their grandpa used a sign to tell them it's enough.
"Is it true I am hearing?",asked the grandpa.
"It's depends grandpa, what are you hearing?".
" that you have gotten soft ".
" can we speak privately, please ?".
So they went to the pool and sat on the chair next to the pool and drank wine, I would say just the grandpa drank wine,David drank juice, no matter how evil he was be has always preferred juice to wine.
" speak son,I need to hear from you".
"Grandpa I have been killing since I started holding anything, and I kill now it old,lame and boring".
" really, so you became good because killing is boring? ".
" who is saying anything about good, grandpa I am only using wisdom, you see grandpa, going after them upfront only make them run,make them fear,but going as a friend, as a hero, there wouldn't know what hit them,you know what they sat grandpa you find more enemies in your  house hold than friends".
"So you are going after their weakness".
" keep your friends close grandpa ".
" but keep your enemies closer ",the grandfather completed it as they both chess.
                       At school
Max hasn't talked to David since that day.
" come on Max,I was trying to save her".
"You didn't have to kill her".
" I am sorry Max,but I did save her,Max you may not know but I am a hero now, yes I do it my own way, but I still save people, I still save those that I love. Max my grandpa came to see me the other day, heard the news that I have been saving people latterly. I couldn't tell him I was now good, or trying to be, I know my grandfather, he would kill Cindy before I even blink,so I used wisdom on him. Please Max,the play room is lonely if you are not around, please come back ".
" okay, I will but you must minimize your killing or else Cindy will find out and it will not be good for you ".
" okay ".
             At the play room
David and Max played ps4,when someone knocked on the door.
" are you expecting someone ?".
" come on".
"If you have the powers to pull the door".
The person still kept knocking.
" come on Dave, open the door, you may be surprise it your cousin ".
" my cousin would have the power to pull the door,or better still appear inside".
"Just do it,open it".
David used his powers to open the door from where he sat.
" good riddance, I have been knocking for hours but what could I expect from the evil child ",complained Cindy.
David was shocked" what is Cindy doing in my play room ",he thought.
" Cindy what a pleasant surprise, "said Max.
" yes it is Max,for a guy who says he would never forgive the evil child for what he did, to be the same guy playing video games with him".
"Does this mean you are quitting the job?".
" no,I wouldn't give you that satisfaction, besides no one would hire me because of him ".
David was still in shock, just starring at Cindy.
" Dave,Dave,Dave",called Max.
" I called your name 3times".
"And what's making the evil child think?", asked Cindy.
" you will be surprised ",said Max.

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