Show no mercy

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In an under ground buildings almost the end of the day. A boy was sitting on a chair with his hands tied back,David was punching him. First with right, later with his left hand repeated.
"You could do this the easier way", the girl said to David.
" this methods frustrates me more than he does to you ".
" then why do you use it?".
"I have no choice, no supernatural power can affect this kind of creature,they are immune and there are rare".
" really "
He continued to punch him.
"Why am I interrogating you again?"
The boy didn't answer.
"Why am I interrogating him?".
" we are looking for my missing boyfriend ".
" right ".
He held the boy's hand and asked" where is he?,where is the boy?".
The boy didn't answer, so he used his head to hit the boy, David started bleeding.
"Wow,look what you have done".
" come closer",she said as she flip her hands over his head and healed him.
"You heal"
"That's cool because this guy is a little too small to trouble my family"
"Is that true what they say"
"Yeah in my family we have great protection over our last,I am the last from all my cousins so..."
"Any one who hurts you accidentally or purposely, they will wipe him and his entire family".
" that's it ".
He made a knife appear in his hand and used it to stab the boy's leg.
The boy shouted in pain.
He twist the knife in the boy's leg and the boy shouted even more." Are you gonna tell us or not".
He brought it out and put it back in,in another spot.
"OK,OK,I will talk, he was taken by the dark brothers. He offended one of them and they wanted to kill him tonight at the temple".
" thanks,but I will want to take my knife back now",he brought the knife from his leg".
David and the girl walked out of the place.
"You are letting him live?", the girl asked surprise because of all the stories she have heard.
" funny you should ask".
As he looked back at the boy, and thrown the knife to gaged his heart,he was so fast that the girl didn't notice till she saw the knife in the boy's heart.
"No", said the boy as he drew his last breath.
As they walked out, the girl was afraid of David the more.
" you shouldn't have killed him".
"You don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do,I am not doing this for you".
" right, I guess you are close to all your cousins ".
" just Kira",he said as the car drove itself and parked in front of him.
He enters the car and said "we will meet at the temple", and drove off.
Few hours later ,it's 6 in the evening. David and the girl came inside the temple and there was the leader of the gang .David came in and used his power to explode the inside of one of the members, his blood and body parts slash all over the temple.
" where is the boy? ".
He kills another.
" what boy?",asked the leader.
Kills another.
"Waste time and all your boys will be killed".
" wait,stop",the leader said to David.
"Go get the boy, bring him here", he said to his boys.
Two boys went in and dragged a boy out.
" is that him?"
"Yes", the girl said with an excited
She ran to him and kissed him.
" take your boyfriend and leave".
She ran out with her boy friend.
"Great we did it the easy way", he kills another.
" but I have given you the boy ".
" and I kill you with out pain aren't we even ".
He burnt him to ashes.
In Cindy friend's house
" I was thinking, you know not knowing about the evil child is unbelievable ".
" what do you do every day,I know it hasn't been long since we meet but I kind of like you,and I see you as my best friend ".
Cindy with a cookie in her mouth said" I am a kind of a loner which you already know, I am not leaving with my parents anymore,I work to survive ".
Cindy thought of where she was some minutes ago,she was around the area close to the temple, she brought newspaper. The newspaper were arranged in different sets. David picture was boldly printed in one but she didn't see it and she bought another one. She walked and as she walked people discussed about David and his family but she just walked passed and shut her ears.
" I do not like gossip, I am shy,so I do not talk about people, I do not eavesdrop on people,so when ever I walk pass people I try my best not to listen",she said to Bless and went back into her thoughts.
Cindy walked and sat in the park really close to the temple in fact only a wall separated it. She read the newspaper and read a headline inside it says"THE EVIL OF ALL EVIL "but she just turned the page with the thought
" so boring, what such a headline is that? ".
Bless continued to ask her questions.
" you never did tell me about your parents? ".
" when that time comes,we shall cross the bridge".
"OK,let's forget about your parents and let talk about the evil child, do you read newspapers".
" he is on newspapers!".
"Yes,he kills people, people should be conscious of him".
" wow,but I read newspapers, I never see him".
"Not even once?".
"Not even once".
" sorry for asking but are you sure you grow up here in this town,this country, even people from all over the world knows him".
"As I said I am a loner I have always been".
" what about TV,you must have seen him on TV right ".
" no,besides I sleep on time, I sleep exactly at 6pm,I have never seen him on TV".
"That's why".
" what?".
"He is shown on TV at 7:30pm,you are a complicated girl but all I can tell you about him is that he is letting you go means that he wants to save you for later because he never lets any one go".
" he didn't let me go,I rescued myself".
"Please who will believe that you rescued yourself from the evil child, you who don't even have powers,even people with powers can't stand against him let alone you,all I can say is hind well or else your days are numbered."
"But I rescued myself".
Flash back after reading the newspaper.
David killed the boys as they ran out, he killed them. David didn't care that his body was stained with blood, he was glad that he was doing what he was born to do. David and Cindy stood at exactly the same ground,the same part but just a wall separated them. Cindy read on,David killed on and as he did that the boys ran for their lives and he ran after them only he got super speed and they came out from behind the wall, Cindy also walked with the intention of leaving, no wall separated David from Cindy anymore but Cindy didn't look at her right side to see David killing those boys neither did David. Cindy didn't open her ears to hear the boys scream because she was wearing ear pieces all through trying not to eavesdrop. As Cindy moved from the position she stood, a head of one of the boys fell on the spot Cindy was standing. Cindy went on.

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