The Prince's Love Child part 21

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"Yes, eight and half months of morning sickness," Ellie said.

"No honey that will last only one or to more days."

"I Hope so I'm already sick of being sick."

Tina laughed and said, "this is only the start Ellie and with the father of your baby being the Prince, you and the baby will never want for anything."

"I can get in touch with him," Ellie said.

"Why hasn't he tried to contact you?" Tina asked.

Ellie cried, "because I never told him my last name or gave him my cell phone number."

"Aw honey."

"The queen punishes the Prince if he tries to date any one who's not royalty."

"Really? I wonder what she'll do if he has a child out of wedlock?"

"I don't know mom."

In England the Prince woke up to another day of missing Ellie. He kept her blue shoe in the back of his sock drawer. Every day he'd pull it out and smell the perfume she had on that night.

He had proof that she wasn't just a wonderful dream, but instead was a live breathing girl that loved him. Ed knew that he loved Ellie, because he sees her smiling face every where he goes. His heart couldn't forget her.

Ed thought to himself that he'd have to ditch his bodyguards in order to go to America. He had cleverly put money aside to get away if he needed to and now he needed to.

Charleston, South Carolina is what the tickets read that Diane had secretly bought for him. She talked him into wearing a disguise so that he won't be discovered and punished by the queen.

The Prince's Love Child    rated PGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora