"I could be that friend you fall on." Zayn speaks light hearted, not really expecting Harry to get anything out of it. Because, from what Zayn's learned so far, Harry is oblivious.

"Oh my! You should join! Listen, it's age ranges from sixteen to sixty! We're like a comfort group. In a few like six weeks were going camping and we're all going to bond─ as single individuals! Single and sufficient." Harry claps his hands in a cheerful gesture.

Zayn shakes his head, wiping his face with the palm of his hand almost as if he's embarrassed to even be recruited into this, "No."

"Oh, is it because you're dating that one boy who left? Because yeah, singles only." Harry hums giving Zayn his full undivided attention, now transitioning his chin into his hands as his elbows rest on his knees.

The statement leaving a hoarse cackle straining out of Zayn's lips, "Aha, not at all. He's a good fuck! I don't do the dating thing."

"More meanings to pursue a position in my singles club. Try it, one meeting? Because, look at you. No offense, but sleeping with people just because. What's the gain besides personal pleasure? It's not nice to do that to people if you don't have feelings for them. That's why I have this club. So single people don't sympathize themselves or go around using people like that. We have each other." Harry's examinations only confirm to Zayn that Harry probably had a broken heart in the past, ensuing why he's apart of some singles club.

"Ugh, when's the next meeting?"

"Wednesdsys and Fridays it's always around four in the afternoon because people are off work most of the time then! And you'll be coming with me early to bake some cookies for my club goers!" Harry jumps off the couch his bottom rests on and prances over to Zayn's bean bag where he lunges over, pulling him into a secure hug.

To ease the tension from Zayn's surprise and warm feeling towards the affection, Zayn shoves him off teasingly, "You have to teach me because I know nothing."

"Taught you about spices didn't I?" Harry still sits on Zayn's lap without being aware which makes him feel nervously uneasy. It's silly, Zayn always has to release an odd chuckle, perhaps giggle, whenever Harry does something endearing.

Zayn leans back and admires Harry from his lower eye level. Everything about him is captivating in every angle. The enchantment from his curly locks lusciously framing his face perfectly, to his his posture is so confident. Not to mention, as Harry sits on Zayn, there's not a trace of bones.

"So, I want to provide snacks every now and then to keep then engaged. Mainly to show them that I care and I'm here for them." Harry's statement allows Zayn to absentmindedly settle his palm on Harry's hip, beneath the silk shirt.

The pad of his thumb caresses circles into Harry's warm, smooth skin as Harry discusses different events and stories they tell during their past meetings. The glint in his eyes expressing so much passion and dedication as a prominent leader of his organization.

"I forgot my─" Zayn snaps his head toward the direction of the main entrance where Louis stands, "Forgot my backpack... But, hmm." Zayn is aware of the way Louis eyes avert up and down towards the boy on his lap.

"I'm Louis. And you are?" Harry stands up and walks to Louis, extending his arm out, "I am Harry nice to meet you!" Harry notes with a whimsical tone.

Zayn rolls his eyes, obviously knowing Louis intentions. Louis likes to befriend whoever is in Zayn's company. Louis does it for two reasons. One being, in the future the two can talk shit and stir opinions between one another, and two, Louis has a thing for sleeping with Zayn's ratings, if they're positive reviews. Which is quite crude, but the two don't mind their harsh behavior as long as nobody knows about it.

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