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There he was, just a few yards away. I could practically see his beard stubble from where I stood. I could almost smell his cologne. I suddenly grew curious and wondered if was he wearing any.

My heart? Racing, like I just sprinted a 10k. I was frozen in panic. Did he see me? Had he noticed the stranger standing perfectly still with wide eyes and a racing heart? Oh Chuck, I hope not.

I’d always tell myself that if this moment ever happened, if I was ever blessed with him in my immediate presence, I wouldn’t panic like this. And yet here I stood "fangirling" like everyone else would in the world.

"Get it together Marissa! It only looks like Jensen Ackles. Maybe it's not even him. But if it is, he’s a normal human just like you. Look he even enjoys reading gossipy magazines! See normal things!" I told myself out loud, suddenly becoming more and more aware of my awkward presence. I needed to move. I needed to not be standing in the middle of the isle with my body ridged and cold.

So, suddenly I was very interested in the ingredients of gum.

"Just go up to him. Tell him you're a fan and say hi. It's not a big deal. People do it all the time. He wont get mad if you ask for a selfie or something. Come on. Just go up to him!" I told myself mentally. I hadn’t taken my eyes off of him, scared that if I looked away too long he would disappear, like if he was a figment of my imagination or something.

Jensen set his magazine back in the rack and looked around the store, his eyes glossing over me and putting my racing mind at ease. He took a few steps closer to me and I felt myself contract every muscle in my body all the while holding my breath.

The sound of his boots against the tile echoed throughout my mind, and my heart starting racing so fast I thought I was going to faint.

It wasn’t until he was an arms length away that I felt my body suddenly take control. My hand reached out and brushed his arm, as if I was going to grab him but missed because I suddenly realized what the hell I was doing.

"Jensen Ackles Picture?" I asked, unable to make a full sentence.

What was I doing? This wasn’t graceful, this wasn’t the way I wanted to approach him. No. I WANTED to be cool and collected and act like it was just some person that I knew my whole life. Not like this. Not a sweating piece of mess that had no idea what to do. But there he stood, a crooked smile on his unshaven face as he looked down at me.

"Uh- No, I think you're mistaken." He said, in that gravely Dean voice that drove everyone wild.

I cocked my head to the side. "You’re not the actor who plays Dean Winchester on Supernatural? It's my favorite show, and I would really like a picture with you." I said, shocked at how poised I now sounded. Wasn't I just a blubbering mess a few seconds ago? But something about his presence, his closeness to me had calmed my racing heart. Like a warm blanket that made me not so nervous.

Jensen looked me up and down for the first time, and this time it was him who cocked his head. "Super-what? Oh, no. Not again." He ran a hand down his face, pinching at his brow and sighing.

And that’s when I saw Jared coming around the corner, a basket full of food and a goofy grin on his face. His hair swayed with his awkwardly large steps and if your heart had thought it was finally getting to calm down it was wrong. Because it was racing once again.

Both of them? Both Jared and Jensen together here now? This was too much. There is no way I could be this lucky.

Sure, I knew they were friends and hung out a lot. Sure I knew the stories of them always being together, but the reality of both men standing next to me, towering over me really, was becoming too much. There was that fainting feeling again.

"Hey Dean, who’s this?" Jared asked, his hand stretched out to shake mine. Jensen slapped it away before I could though, and whispered into his ear so I couldn’t hear. I was slightly confused and offended that one of my favorite people in the world is treating me like this. I've always seen Jensen treat his other fans with such love.

"Jared, you’re here too? This is great. Can I get a picture with you both?" I asked, interrupting Jensen's whisper to Jared. I fished in my pockets for my phone. Jared and Jensen sighed, and I stopped moving.

"Is everything alright? If you don’t want the-"

"Its not that we don’t want it. But we’re not Jared and Jensen." Jared said, his puppy eyes on full effect.

I was beyond confused. I was embarrassed and puzzled. I’d watched how many videos of Jared and Jensen at Cons? How many instagram photos or tweets had I liked? Too many to count! I knew the show was fake, acting made possible by the two perfect men in front of me, and their team.

"Is this a joke? Are you guys in character or something? Am I being punked?" I laughed. I looked around trying to find a man in camouflage with a big camera ready to jump out.

"No, we’re Sam and Dean Winchester. The real thing. I swear I’m going to find these pansy actors and teach them a thing or two." Dean, I mean, Jensen said, turning away and putting his hands on his hips.

I laughed again, only slightly harder. "Yeah, and I'm Garth."

Sam, no Jared, looked over at me and then to Jensen, giving him a pleading look and shaking his head. "Look we’d be happy to take the photo. Here." Jared said, taking my phone from my hand. He held it up far enough in the air to capture himself, Jensen, and I in the frame and snapped a few photos.

"Thanks. Again, Supernatural is my favorite show! You guys, especially you Jared, have taught me to love myself and my flaws. I even got an anti-possession tattoo to show my support for the show." I said, holding my phone close to my chest and showing them my wrist, exposing the one week old tattoo.

I pulled my arm back after seeing their surprised reactions and I was back to being awkward again.

"Yeah." Jared said, scratching at the back of his neck.

"Dude, why did you make me take a photo?" Jensen said, punching Jared in the arm. "You know I don’t like taking photo’s. And I’m not this Jensen guy."

"Shut up." Sam said through the side of his mouth.

I frowned and looked at the photos. "Um, do you want me to delete them? I was planning on posting them online and telling all my friends that I met you guys. But I'll delete the pictures to respect your privacy." I said. I truly love these guys enough to respect them and how they feel, even if it will make me feel heartbroken.

Jared put his hand on my shoulder. "No it's okay. Keep them." He did that signature Sam Winchester smile that always melts all fan hearts.

"Uh- well, okay. It was nice meeting you. See ya!" Jensen said after giving me a wave and immediately turning tail and leaving, his hand around Jared’s arm and pulling him with.

Now I stood speechless and motionless for a whole other reason. Why had they acted so weird? Why were they in character? I glanced down at my phone, scrolling through the photos. Jensen looked confused, and mad. Something I’d never seen before. Jared? Jared looked like he was forcing a smile a little too hard. In one of the pictures, what looked like a tattoo was slightly showing on Jared's chest looking similar to mine.

I dropped my phone to my side and took a deep breath. "What just happened?"

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