Part 11

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As soon as the elevator door opens. I burst out running towards our room. I opened the door surprisingly to see James. We immediately run into each other's arms. James whispered into your ear " Are you going to pursue your plan?" I looked into his eyes " You bet your ass I am, but I'm going to need some help."

James looked at you and stroked my hair and said " I always loved this side of you." " We have to get someone," I said running out of the room heading towards the elevator pulling James behind me. "Who did you have in mind helping you," James said trying to catch his breath. "Gianna." "That's it." I looked deep into his eyes with the look of did you just ask that question.

James and I are both in the elevator anxiously pushing the button to Gianna's floor that her room is on. While we were patiently waiting to see Gianna. James grabs my hand which startled me a little and said " I hope this works." The elevator doors open and you to run towards Gianna's room. We pound on the door.

Gianna then opens the door and said. " Is it time?" I looked at Gianna then at James then back to Gianna and said "Yes." The three of us make your way towards the elevator. I push the button that will take us to our desired floor, Elizabeth's floor. We reviewed the plan one last time while waiting to arrive to our party.

"James you're going to go and distract Elizabeth. Then you're going to say " I wonder why y/n, is still nice to you?" Then that's when Gianna and I will come in shooting. James for the love of god duck when we open those doors. We only have one chance for this to work. We all know I can't go through another heartbreak."

I said grabbing James hand. "Y/n, I know don't worry about me just finish off that bitch you call a sister," James said with a smile approaching his face.

"Alright, the time has come." James pulled me in for a kiss. Then let's go of my hand. Right before he goes in he turns back and mouths to you " I love you." James knocks on the door and we all heard a faint "Come in."

He enters and Elizabeth said, "oh James it is good to see your face." Then pulls James in to kiss him on both cheeks. James pushes Elizabeth off. After a few minutes of silence James said " Elizabeth can we talk?" "Of course anything for you James."

Elizabeth pulls James towards the couch. Then James asked the question " I wonder how y/n is still nice to you." Just as James and Elizabeth stood up.

The doors burst open Gianna and I are shooting like there is no tomorrow. At the same time, I yelled bloody murder at Gianna to stop and scream at the top of my lungs as I see James grabbing his stomach as the blood was peaking through his shirt.

I run over to his side. James grabs my shoulder one last time and I pull his hand by my face to catch my tears. James said, " y/n I love you much that words can't even exp---." "James, James..." I screamed over and over getting even louder each time. Reality sunk in knowing no matter loud I yelled nothing would bring him back. While sitting by his motionless body I grabbed his hand.

Gianna came back to me and falls to the ground by my side and tries to comfort me, but I shoo her away. Gianna whisper's " the bitch is dead" I looked at Gianna and said

"What the heck did I do? I should have been the one to die not him. I didn't deserve him. Gianna, I survived but I paid for it."------------------------------

That's the end of my first book! Hard to believe that I started this book a little under two months ago. :(  Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed! I would like to thank everyone that has helped/supported me throughout this book! Q & A book will be up on Thursday as well!!
Love you all so much and blessed for all of your support and everything you guys do.

Special Shoutouts
ilovemybunny4613 - Idea behind Gianna
Allons-y_doctor - for some of the ideas
And most importantly Dear-Hamilton , SafeLights , and PeaceHugsHippieLove   for giving me the motivation and inspiration for writing!

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