Part 7

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- - -James Point of View- - - 

"Seriously who's there" the young lady standing before me said looking frantically around. This is one thing I love about being a half dead you can see them but they can't see you. "Darling I didn't mean to frighten you."

The woman turns around " Who are you?" She questioned me "I'm James March." I said bending to kiss her hand. The elevator doors open and you couldn't believe what Y/n witnessed. The woman pulls back and is repulsed by me, but she is not the only one.

Y/n turns back and starts walking and I try to stop her. I finally have caught up to y/n. I looked into y/n's eyes and we both knew I screwed up. Y/n is refusing to speak to me. I then spoke my heart out.

" Y/n, I would never ever hurt you. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have you in my life. You keep me sane even when I'm insane. Words can't explain how much I love you. You have been my rock. When I screwed up to the point where I know no one should forgive me, I know you will forgive me. I know who I married and this is enough for me only if it is for you."

Y/N's Point of View

I was making my way towards the elevator to tell James about how nice Gianna is as a roommate. Then, the elevator door opens and I saw something that I wish I wouldn't have seen. I see James bending towards Gianna to kiss her hand. Then, James looked up and saw me. Gianna got into the elevator after pulling herself away from James.

I then turned away from James and started walking towards my room. All I could think was I was what the heck did I do to deserve this?

He kept calling my name. I didn't know how to feel. Have you ever been trapped in your own thoughts and didn't know how to escape? That's how I felt I didn't know what, or how to feel for once, and I just started crying because I didn't know what to do.

James finally caught up and looked me in his eyes. The same eyes I feel helpless in and I never felt that way about anyone before. He then spoke his heart out and how could I say no to him. I just couldn't leave. I took in a couple of deep breaths before I answered him. When I finally had a clear voice I said " I forgive you as long as you don't freak out."

James said "y/n, I won't freak out what is it?"


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter... Hope you guys all had good day! Love you all ❤
Book Shoutouts / Suggests
AHS - dandyscoven - Gloves & Glasses
Hamilton - iamjoshpeac - Hamilton High

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