Part 5

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"Y/n, if you want to live to see another day. Then tell me where Will is ." Elizabeth said trying to hold back her tears. "Well Elizabeth if you want to see your beloved Will, you have to follow us." James said with a smirk on his face while turning to me and whispered in my ear " the fun has begun."

When Elizabeth fell to her knees and starts crying " Okay, Okay I will do whatever it takes so I can see my Will again." I didn't know if she was planting a trap or if these were her true emotions showing, but James and I looked at each other in silence. I glanced at James for the second time and he knew I wanted to cave in and comfort Elizabeth, but James refrains me from moving and glued me in place.

James then says " Elizabeth quit the show we all know what you were going to do to Mr. Drake, you were going to kill him on your honeymoon so that you could inherit the hotel."

Elizabeth looks up in shock, first at James, then to you, then back at James. You finally say to break the tension "Elizabeth follow us if you want to see Will." Elizabeth got back onto her feet and said "okay let's get going." wiping away her fake tears. Elizabeth, James and I packed into the elevator.

- - -

You guys unlock the stainless, soundproof door. Elizabeth runs in and shouts " Will, Will you are safe I, Elizabeth am here." Elizabeth turns into the one open door on the floor and screams only seeing what little light shining through allowing her eyes to see the disaster. She crawls near Will but we already knew it was too late to save him.

She starts backing up and hears a voice behind her. "You came back" she turns to see a bloody Valentino. "I have finally found you." Elizabeth said trying not to cry placing her hand near his face wiping away the dried up blood on his cheeks.

"Oh, You. Your little mouse has finally come back." Natasha said with a snarl. "Natasha how dare you." Valentino says trying not to lay a finger of frustration on Natasha. "No, Valentino she has every right to be made at me. I will make it right to both of you. I just need help from a friend." Elizabeth said looking back at James and I shouting from across the floor " I need you to tell Liz and Mrs. Evers to come up here and clean up this unruly mess I've made.

- - -

James and I did as told looking up and down every floor looking for our poor suspects we had to drag into this mess. " Evers, Liz" James said pulling me towards them.

Mrs. Evers and Liz Taylor turn around to face us and both say in unison " how may we assist you." "Can you please book a room for both Natasha and Valentino in a motel room and give Natasha money to go shopping." I said while trailing behind James. "Okay, but what is in it for us?" James looks at you and says "whatever your heart desires." Mrs. Evers says " a bucket and sponge would be nice." while twirling her thumbs. "Mrs.Evers consider it done. Liz what about you." I said as I could feel James pulling me closer to him.

"Nothing." Liz said shaking her head trying it to make it convincing.

- - -

Liz and Mrs Evers said to Natasha and Valentino " we are going to put you guys in a motel and Natasha y/n and James told us to give you money so that you can go shopping." Valentino and Natasha look at each other and said " Wow, she really is trying to make it right to us."

Mrs. Evers and Liz leave them both at their motel room. Mrs. Evers asked Liz " so there really is nothing you want." Liz turns to Mrs. Evers and says "well there is one thing I would like."


Sorry guys I haven't updated all week, but this week I'll try making the chapters good and being back on schedule again.
Hope you guys are enjoying so far.
Love you all❤️.

Book suggestions/shoutout

American Horror Story Zodiac

Hamilton - Dear-Hamilton - Hamilton

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