chapter 24 "anonymous"

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I opened up my eyes then realized that I was tied up in a wooden chair. The was a gag in my mouth. My mouth was really dry and my body was aching and so were my hands. I started to look at my surroundings.

I was in a room. No furniture. No nothing. I was scared but I didnt know if the person was here or not so I tried my best not to show any fear. I then started to worry about Trey. I have no clue how long I have been here and he would be stupid enough to come inside but I'm sure if he wasn't okay he would be close.

Then I remembered knocking down the door. I heard my moms voice. She was calling for me. But it was too foggy and then I remember passing out in to the floor. I hit my head pretty hard. Thats when I noticed a cut on my shoulder. And that my shirt was off and all I had on was a tank top.

What's going on??? I need answers. And I can't call out for help even if I didnt have the gag in my mouth because my mouth is dry.

I heard footsteps coming towards me. I was getting really scared and my heart was starting to jump out of my chest. This is it. This is the way I'm going to find out my stalker.

The person came up behind me and took the gag out of my mouth. Finally they said...

"Youre easier then I thought."

I gasped I have heard this voice before.

"You seemed shocked to be hearing my voice. Hmmmm are you shocked. Did you not think somebody like me was capable of something this huge?"

"Yes... I mean I just didnt think out of all the people it would be you. But.... But why would you do this to me I never did anything to threaten or harm you so why put my family on the line?" I said with a lot of confusion.

"Because you dont care about anything besides your family and now Trey. I tried to keep Trey away but hes hard headed just like you. If only he would of stayed away from you then you would be safe but I guess we can't always have it our way now can we?

"wait what are you talking about" I asked

"Don't play stupid you know what I'm talking about" the person said as I felt my hair getting pulled so I screamed as loud as I could hoping somebody would hear me.

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