Chapter 12

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Recap: I headed into the school only to see Ethan,Grayson, Alexis, Jack dail, Cameron Dallas and the most unexpected one

I never thought this day would come...

Adelyn pov

I saw the most unexpected shit in my life. I saw the one, the one I thought I could trust.

The one I thought I could tell all my biggest, deepest, scariest secrets. And they wouldn't dare tell a living soul.

I saw the one I grew up with as a little kid the one, my other half.

I saw Bree...

Bree hanging out with my bullies.  Why?

I walked to my locker and Bree came over.

Bree's pov

I was on my way to meet up with Ethan and Grayson

I made my way through the door and went straight were there group always I sin the morning

"Are you ready" (Eth)

"Why wouldn't I be"

"Just want to see if you have the actual guts to😏"

"Please😏 I bet if I were a boy I would smash girls better than you"

There were 'oohs' from the other boys

"Whatever, now go" he said referring to go and bully anahy.

She was getting her things from her locker. She noticed I was there.

"What do you want" harsh

"Don't speak to me like that"

"I could speak to a snake however I want"

I did the most unexpected thing I kick her then I punched her stomach over and over again.

It-i-it felt so good to finally do this all the stress I had built up is going away.

Adelyn whimpered

"Talk to me like that and I will make sure your birth mom should have closed her legs, but hey it doesn't matter, why because she didn't want you nor your sister😏"


"W-why would you hurt me?"

"Why, why because your pathetic"

I said and left.

I walked back to where everyone was standing (the group). They all had there jaws on the ground

"Close your mouth or you'll catch flys"

I said while closing Ethan's mouth.😏

He chuckled. Then we all left and laughed at Adelyn .

Adelyn's pov

I don't know what just happened. My bff just hurted (ik it's not a real word but just Deal with it) me,

I thought I could trust her, she said she would never hurt me and now where are we.

I tried getting up while they laughed and walked away. Finally after awhile I got up and went to the bathroom and got cleaned up.

Once I was done I went to class which had all of the group there, including Bree, she probably moved classes.

"Miss, Avery you're late" said Mrs. Lamont with a Stern face.

"I know and I'm sorry"

I said and took a seat

"Why were you late, Adelyn, is it because you were being a little baby and cried in the bathroom" Ethan said with a baby voice

They all laughed, until the teacher told them to shut up.

The whole time Ethan and Bree were making fun of me. God please help me.

It was lunch time by now and I had nowhere to sit since I saw Bree sitting with the twins so I skipped. Me And Bree made eye contact for a second when I walked as fast as I could to the bleachers.

This reminds me of the time I cought Bree and Ethan kissing.

Bree pov

I had soo much fun hanging with the twins something I never thought I would do, since I was anahy's friend. Now don't get me wrong I'm not complaining

Besides me and Adelyn aren't friends anymore key word: WAS her friend

I made eye contact with Adelyn for a second before she walked off, guess she's going to the bleachers.

She always go there whenever she needed to be alone, I would go there with her and comfort her, but I don't give a fuck anymore.

So I thought I would mess with her even more to see how far she goes yah know😏.

So I tapped on Ethan's shoulder, her ignored me this bitch so I grabbed my peach and chucked it at his face.

"What the hell" he said whipping it off

"Ignore me next and I would poor my milk a over you"

"Now that I have your attention. I want to mess with Adelyn "

"Why? Where is she? And how?"

"Ugh, you ask to many questions. so to answer them 1 because I feel like it 2 under the bleachers 3 you'll see just come."

"Okay, let's go"

We got up and threw our lunches away. We walked down to the bleachers.

"Do how are we going to mess with her?"

"You'll see😏"

Ethan's pov

Bree wanted to mess with Adelyn soo. Of course I would.

So we made our way to the bleachers and there I saw anahy sitting down. I guess she was thinking idk plus idc.

So we were under the bleachers and then I turned around about to whisper what we were going to do.

But then Bree smashed her lips on mine and we started making out😏.

I started kissing down her neck she let  out a small moan, but of course Adelyn has to ruin everything.

"What are you doing!!"

"Oh, Adelyn I didn't know you were here"  Bree said

"You knew I would be here"😠

"I didn't,oops"

Adelyn got up and was about to leave when Bree grabbed her wrist

"Let me go!!"

"Mess with me and you'll regret it"

"Please, I'm pretty sure you have made me regret it"

"Oh, honey, this is just the beginning"

Bree said and let go of her wrist and grabbed mine and we left her standing there with no emotion but I knew she was scared.

"That was great Bree"

"I know"

"Soo where did we leave off baby girl😉😏"

"Yeah, In your dreams baby boy"

Damn this bitch is so fucking hot. I swear one day I will punish her.

I finally finished another chapter yay!!! But I'm currently writing the other one soo Peace

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