"We're home!" Harry shouted as he ran into the living room and jumped on Justin.

"Hey bud." Justin smiled and lifted him up.

"Hi Justin." He said shyly, blushing.

"My boyfriend." I said wrapping my arms around Justin.

"No he's mine!" Harry joked.

"There's enough Justin love to go around for everyone." Justin laughed.

"Harry are you pestering Zayn and Justin again?" Papa asked coming into the room.

"No." Justin said at the same time I said "Yes."

Justin looked at me and laughed.

"He's not being a bother Louis."

"Well, I came in to tell you all that dinner is ready."

We all went into the kitchen and sat at the table.

"Does everyone want a drink?" Papa asked and we all nodded.

"Okay here you go." He said and placed a sippy cup with orange juice in front of Harry, Niall and I and a can of Coke in front of Justin.

"Papa, can I have a can of Coke?" I asked.

"No Zaynie, you just drink your orange juice and eat your din dins okay?" He said and I blushed red as a tomato.

I made it through dinner without any other major embarrassments. Apart from when I accidentally got a bit of sauce on the side of my face and Dad wiped it away for me as if I were a baby instead of just telling me I had it there.

I then got a bit of sauce on my t-shirt which led to Papa joking about whether I needed a bib, and if I had a hole in my lip.

I leant forward to get my drink and my t-shirt must've moved because Justin kept making a motion to pull the neck of my top up. It must've been showing the love bite.

"So Zayn, how was modern studies today?" Dad asked.

"It was okay. I was the only one that had to sit in the base and do a poster. It was quite boring."

"You know why we wouldn't let you watch the movie though?" Papa asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I now realise that I would probably have gotten nightmares."

"That's right baby. We're only trying to look out for you. If you had watched that movie then you'd probably want to sleep in our bed for the next few weeks." Papa laughed.

"Justin, will you sign my cast after dinner?" Harry asked Justin.

"Sure bud, can I write a little message as well?"

"Yeah! Daddy, Papa, Zaynie and Niall have already signed it. I wanted Zayn to paint it so it will look prettier but Daddy and Papa won't let me." He pouted.

"It's not our fault Harry; doctor's orders." Dad said.

After dinner Justin signed Harry's cast writing his name and 'Harry is the coolest' which really seemed to please the young boy.

Soon it came time for Justin to leave and we all said goodbye to him.

"I don't want you to go." I said hanging onto him.

"I know princess, I'll miss you too. But I'll see you tomorrow for Harry's birthday."

"Yeah, you're right. I'll see you tomorrow."

We said our final goodbyes and Papa shut the door. I was just about to walk into my room when I heard.

"What's that on your neck?!"

Hey guys!

This chapter is a bit shorter than the other ones and that's just because I didn't have a lot of time to write tonight. But at least I still got an update up!

The next chapter will be Harry's birthday so get ready for that!

I really want to get to know you guys so if you could, will you comment where you're from? I'm from the UK.

Love you guys!

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Thank youuuuuuu



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