Chapter fifteen.

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One year ago today, I moved here. Where is here? Australia. Yeah, the other side of the world from where I was born. It isn't that I don't like living here, I've learnt to surf, and now being eighteen- I am about to chose where I go to university. I've been browsing all the ones in Australia, but none of the draw me in, I want to be photographer- take photos of surfers and festivals and all different things but none of them suit my needs. I mean, there are some great ones, by the sea, not too far away from my home in Caffey- but university is where you are actually independent. 

Nathan, you ask? Ha, yeah him. I have almost forgotten him, and I am really over him I mean I have Kai! We kept in contact for months, skyping and emailing and tweeting but eventually he got bored of me or found someone else- I don't like to think of him with another best friend. I still write him emails, but never send them- sad, I know. But it gives me this feeling of hope that maybe one day he will reply to my last email which simply stated- 'I miss you Nath.'. 

My mobile beeped into life, Kai- "Hey lovely, coming surfing?xx'  I quickly replied yes and told him to pick me up in fifteen minutes, I grabbed my bikini and flip flops and my over sized cover up tee and headed out to my yard to get my surf board and was ready to go, Kai pulled in my drive and I hopped in the passenger seat, he leans over and places a light kiss on my cheek, before we set off to the beach. I couldn't help but notice how the sun made his eyelashes looked golden and highlighted his blond hair, "What are we today?" I ask with a smirk reaching over and ruffling his hair,
"Anything you want us to be." He laughs turning and leaning in to kiss me,
"No eyes on the road silly." I giggle pushing his face so he is forced to look at the road, but lean in and kiss his cheek, "Can we be a elephant and a mouse?" I asked,
"You've always been a weird one, must be your Britishness." He chuckles,
"That's why you love me." I add for him with a playful smack,
"Yes, I love you because there is no other girl like you on this planet." He smiles,
"So when are you going to ask me out?" I laugh, we've been through this every time we see each other, he is just says,
"I want to ask you when it is perfect.", aha, like always, in away I'm glad we aren't official yet, it means we don't have any pressures. We arrive at the beach, it's pretty empty for today as most people go to the bigger beaches when the sun is shining like this. We hit the waves.

We surfed for hours, and finally we headed back to shore, we always go and get an ice cream before going home but this time Kai had different plans, he dragged me up the cliffside path, once at the top he took my hand, "If I told you to jump would you?" He asked with a smirk,
"Depends, would you do it with me?" I ask biting my lip as I looked down at the waves below, it didn't look too far,
"If you asked me to, I would do anything for you." He pulled me in an embrace, "Will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" He asked a serious smile on his face,
"You make it so formal.." I mutter stroking his cheek, "But of course I will.", we lent in at the same time and he kissed me softly, "About time." I add.

Is it wrong that I wish Kai was Nathan? Wish he could of loved me like Kai? But we have both moved on and I've got to look forward rather than behind. I didn't have many girl friends here, which is no change, I had Alison though- she is pretty quiet, and into books and song writing, she was nice to go around college with and spend evening with when I wasn't surfing- so I guess I could count her as a friend.

I got home and forced Kai to stay for dinner where I announced we were dating to my parents, who were very happy about it saying they really do like Kai, but then the smiles faded,
"What's wrong?" I ask curiously,
"The thing is Ria...we sent your photos into The Royal College of Art in London and they accepted you." My Mom explains,
"We thought you'd be happy to go back to England." My Dad added, I sighed, looking across at Kai who's face had dropped, he took my hand, "We'll leave you two alone.".
Before I could say anything Kai spoke, "I don't want to hold you back, go." his voice was soft,
"I don't want to leave you though." I sighed taking both his hands, we'd only just sealed the deal, and I couldn't end it so soon,
"It's an amazing opportunity, you can't miss it for me!" He said his voice desperate for me to say I will go,
"For you I will go. I'll miss you so much though!" I kissed him firmly on this lips, he pulled me closer, deepening the kiss, his lips felt slightly rough on mine, then he pulled away and pressed his forehead against mine. My parents walked back in, "So are you going?" my mom asked softly, I nodded, "When am I leaving?" I ask,
"Two weeks."

I'm being shipped around so much recently, America, England, Australia, England. I'm happy to go back to my home town but, leaving Kai will be so hard to do, maybe even harder than it was to leave Nathan - shit. Nathan. Going back to England means going back to him. This will be fun!


I spent every moment of my last two weeks in Australia with Kai and Alison, it was sad to say goodbye to them, even harder to say goodbye to my parents but now on the plane to England, all the sadness of leaving everyone behind was taken over by the feeling of freedom and adventure. I would be staying on campus at the royal college of art, living in London, spending my days studying photography and my nights, doing what any other student does- partying. Well that is the plan. It takes so long to get to England, I hadn't told anyone I was coming back, not Jay,Max,Siva,Tom or Megan not even Nathan- he wouldn't care any way. It is so weird, I finally got used to being in Australia and now I'm being dragged away again. One day I'll find my home, the place I actually belong.

A/N: Oofft, twist? No I bet you could see it coming- I mean Nathan&Ria are meant to be right?! What do you think will happen in England? Vote, comment etc <3

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