Chapter Fourteen.

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A/N: Okay this might be a long message for the start of a chapter but today, 02/03/2012 I reached 1000 reads! This has made me so so so happy and I really appreciate everyone reading, 1000 isn't much to some people but it is a hell of a lot to me. So as my thanks, I promise to make this chapter the best I've done! Right, thanks again and here is chapter fourteen. 

The flight went by too quick, I sat by Jay and the window, no where near Nathan- I listened for his voice, but it never came, he was silent, or asleep for the whole flight. By the time we touched down in Gatwick it was late afternoon, it was a rush of finding luggage and rushing to find Kev's van to drop us all off home, it was five to eight by the time I collapsed on my bed- this is where I lay now.

I didn't even get to say good bye to Nathan.

My Mom and Dad fussed over me for a while: asking about the holiday, where did I go? What did I do? Who did I meet? Well, I couldn't off told them that I mainly stayed in my room, fell in love with Nathan and almost got raped. So I told a few white lies to get them off my back, they did, but not before following me to my room with some important news:

"Gloria, we are moving to Australia.", was the simple way my Dad told me of this bombshell, it was also too late for me to say: 'dudes, I don't want to go.', they had bought a house, in Caffey in the state of Queensland, very nice apparently. I was surprised they even got in, but my Dad being a carpenter and my mother being a nurse it was easy. At first I didn't know how to react, so all I asked them was: when are we leaving,then let them leave. Two months today, I would be leaving.

Then this struck me, I wanted to get away from Nathan, well the other side of the world is far enough away- and think of all the sexy surfer babes with tanned body's and that amazing Aussie accent, it would surely help me get over Nathan. But, do I really want to leave him behind? I mean, yes he has hurt me recently, but we go way back, we've had so many good times that surely they could override the feelings of rejection. 

I cannot believe she is making me wear this! I felt like crying but I know it would upset my Mom if she knew I was too old for frilly frocks and bows, so I smile and brace myself for yet another day when the kids in my year have another excuse to laugh at me other than my name. Today I turn eleven, I'm not a baby anymore! I hear the zip whizz up and now I have to go and face my adoring fan. I sigh, okay, it's just another day when people laugh at me for having a stupid name. I was into my back garden, there is balloons and streamers everywhere, the sun is shining and a bouncy castle sits in the corner, next to it is a huge food table with cakes and all goodies on it. If it wasn't for this dress, this would be decent. I walk out and people realise it's the birthday girl, then they howl with laughter, pointing at my dress and holding their stomachs. It cannot be that funny. I search the group for a friendly face and my eyes fall on Nathan, the only one smiling at me in a nice way, I turn to walk back inside but a soft hand grabs me and I turn to Nathan, " I look like an idiot.", I choke out holding back tears, "I think you look awesome. Come on let's bounce!"

Why can't we go back to how we used to be, I want to call him, but I cannot bear to hear his voice. I feel dreams pulling me in, begging for me to close my eyes, so I give in.  I dream aswell, about Nathan, his eyes peirce through my mind. 

I wake up late morning, parents at work, some time alone. I lie in bed for a bit, until I cannot keep still for any longer. I get up, shower, eat and tidy my room. I could just go see Nathan- no. I cannot just go see Nathan, not any more. I put on my shoes and jacket and go for a walk, I don't know where I am going, I just my legs walk- I think about walking, how when we are young it is so hard and challenging but now it is something I don't even need to think about. Maybe that is like love, when you first fall in love it is hard and challenging but once you fall in love with the right person it because so simple, everything works out. I find myself out Nathan and I's cafe, ordering a hot chocolate, then girl serving looks pointedly over my shoulder, some kid is climbing up the chair, I pay and head for my table, or our table- now I will sit alone. Only I realise I won't be sitting alone, or at my table at all, as it is occupied- by Nathan. He looks up noticing me, he frowns and looks back down at his hot chocolate. My mouth turns try, I turn away, "No it's okay, I'm going." He sighs getting up,

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