"i've always been an introvert," dan bites his lip, and phil mentally urges him to continue. "i'm not like other people."

phil gives dan a doubtful look.

"i'm - i can do things that normal people can't and some bad stuff happened to me because of it, and i guess i've sort of closed myself off."

phil's mind began jumping to strange conclusions. could dan fly or something? "things like what?"

dan scoffs, intently studying the floor, "you wouldn't believe me."

"try me," phil says almost immediately, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"i don't think i can, phil. i haven't told anyone, except my family, and even that didn't end too well. they kicked me out. even now, they ignore me. it just... really sucks."

"i'll stay." phil says before he can stop himself. he just wants to be there for this fragile boy who looks like he needs love. "i don't care if it's crazy, i don't care if you're an alien, i'll stay with you and i won't be like your family and i won't tell a soul."

dan bites his lips, pulling off a tiny piece of skin that phil somehow notices. "you promise you'll stay?"

"i promise," phil assures.

"i'm - i can move things," dan pauses, "with my brain."

phil almost chokes on his breath. there's no way. it's just not possible. science could never prove that. "how?"

the corner of dan's mouth quirks up in a grin. "i don't know. i'm just telekinetic. it started developing when i hit puberty."

"show me," phil says, his voice barely above a whisper.

"ok," dan answers and phil's heart leaps. he watches intently as dan turns around, grabbing a pen from the counter and setting it on the floor.

"is that it?" phil asks jokingly as dan stands up straight and rolls his eyes.

"now i just need to focus, so shut up."

"ok," phil whispers. he watches the blue biro intensely and dan does the same. phil can't help but feel that the moment has an oddly intimate feel.

he patiently waits for the pen to spin, fly or even twitch, but it doesn't move a millimetre.

"dan?" phil asks hesitantly. a horrible feeling settles over him. if dan's been tricking him this whole time...

"wait, i think you're making me feel a bit pressured. can you, like, turn around, just for a few seconds."

phil obliges, slowly turning in the small kitchen and continuing the excruciating wait. he can't help but impatiently tap his right foot against the white kitchen floor tiles.

it's taking too long and phil can't contain himself any longer, he turns around to peek but sees the opposite of what he was expecting.

dan has his hand stuffed against his mouth as if to stop any laughter slipping out and his eyes are squinting as he laughs to himself, body shaking with tiny giggles.

phil knew he should've trusted his gut instinct.

he whips around and storms away to his room to get his house keys and his phone. as he is shoving his shoes on, dan runs into the room.

"phil? phil, what's wrong? i'm sorry i can't do it."

phil angrily laces up the first shoe, before shoving his foot in the second one. "what's wrong?" he asks harshly. "what's wrong is that i fell for your stupid sob story and i believed you and i told you i would be there for you, but you were tricking me all along!"

"no, phil, listen--" dan tries feebly, but phil cuts him off.

"i promised you i would stick with you. do you know how much that means to me? how dare you trick me like that?"

"no, phil, i'm trying--"

"well, stop."

"so you're leaving? after you promised you wouldn't."

"don't act like promises mean anything to you," phil says, standing up and heading towards the door of his room.

"at least tie your shoelaces, you'll fall," dan mumbles, helplessly following phil.

"thanks for your fake concern."

"phil, listen, i swear, i'm not--"

"more lies, pinocchio?" phil asks with a cold voice, now angrily stomping out of the apartment.

"can you listen to me?" dan pleads.

phil whips away from the open door that was his escape from this ridiculous situation and glares into dan's eyes.

"tell me you weren't laughing at me."

"yeah, i was, but--"

"i've heard enough, leave me the fuck alone." phil continues his angry storming out of the apartment.

and perhaps he should've listened when dan warned him to tie his shoelaces because before he can tell what's happening, he's falling. his body crumples into a ball and he tumbles down two staircases and through a glass window.

he doesn't feel anything when he's falling, except fear so consuming that gnaws at his whole brain and paralyses his entire body.

he hears dan's voice, but can't quite make out what he's saying. nonetheless, the thought of dan relaxes him for a millisecond before he blacks out.

**a/n my attempt to make a shitty day (trumps inauguration) a little better. please leave me a vote and a nice comment to motivate me to update :))**


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