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Epilogue: FAMILY(Finale)

1 Day Until Thanksgiving



"Los, get the fuck up. I have to go. Its an emergency." I heard a familiar voice and I finally opened my eyes and seen me laying in a bed that didnt belong to me. I looked over and seen Mickey sliding on some briefs. I covered my face and sat up with a banging headache.

"Please tell me we didnt have sex, Mick? Please tell me I didnt just cheat on my fiance?" I said to him and he turned around and chuckled, "Fiance? Oh my god. Loso get fucking dress and get out of my apartment. Please, before he wakes up."

"Alright, just stop yelling." I told him as I rolled out the bed and put on my briefs and found my jeans. As I got dress I seen Mickey hurrying like he was in a race. I chuckled, "You got somewhere to be?"

"Nope I got to drop him off to my moms and I have a thanksgiving photoshoot. My whole family is coming down. Im hella excited."

"How old is he now?" I asked him. Mickey shot me a look and laughed, "Dont make this more difficult than we have to. Finish getting dress and get back to your fiance. Tell your Dad and Pops and fam I said Happy Holidays." I threw on my shirt and walked over to him digging in the dresser and I confessed, "Im sorry."

"Loso we got pass that. Honestly, I am over that its been 5 years since it happened. Alot has happened. I forgave you and accepted it as it was."

I told him, "The plan was going to work and the reason I suppose to met with you last night is to tell you I am ready to step up."

Mickey shot a look at me and exhaled, "No thank you. We are fine. Now Carloso--" I gave him a peck on the lips and said, "I dont want you thinking we made a mistake when we did that. You went through alot to make that--"

Mickey slapped me and said, "Ohh now you wanna be a man. I got a soft spot for you and you know that. I went through withdrawal, night sweats, highblood pressure, all because I loved you...and wanted to give you the son that you wanted. I do that and literally a month after I was pregnant you chose to say fuck me and cheat. I did all that for you and now after 5 years you apologize. I dont need it you need to apologize to that 4 year old in the room down the hall not to me. Because I didnt make a mistake that boy is the best thing to ever happen to me. You chose NFL and hoes. Im so dumb to fall for this shit again. Get the fuck out." He went to pushing me towards his room door and as he opened it a little brown skin boy stood there in spiderman drawers and said, "Daddy, is everything okay." Mickey picked him up and snapped, "Everything is fine. He was just leaving." I turned to him as water filled in my eyes. Looking at that little boy he was a spitting image of me and I fucked all this up. Mickey kissed his cheek and he asked, "Who is he?"

"A mistake. A big mistake that Daddy is going to fix right now, Jiminie."

I gasped and asked, "You named him my middle name?"

Suddenly, Mickey snapped, "GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!"

meanwhile in LA


"Johnny, the flight has been delayed another hour. I cannot deal." I sat back anxiously and he rubbed my hand and said, "Girl, you will get there calm down." Maylene looked over at us from across from us and rolled her eyes.

"Dad, she cant be still. She must really wants to see Deejay." May told him as she placed back in her headphones. Maylene was correct and I couldnt stand it. Deejay and I havent seen eachother in almost 2 years. I miss his beautiful ass smile, big booty, and love. Plus, when my aunt died he most definitely got into cooking to feel closer to her and it was like his calling. Everytime I taste his food I get my Aunt food melting in my mouth. Suddenly, a flight attendant called out the flight to start boarding. I gasped as only a couple of minutes had went by, it must be ready. Johnny grabbed our bags and we walked over to the thing and got out boarding passes checked and walked on to first class. I was big cheesing. Yall just dont understand. I took my comfortable seat across from Johnny and went to snapchat and made a video story about us leaving.

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