I am We

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Chapter 13: I Am We.


"All roads are now closed. If you are on the road at this very hour you will be directed and is advised to make a pitstop to a motel or hotel. The storm is 25 Minutes out. These for for all counties over New York and New Jersey --" Rico turned down the radio and exhaled, "Yo, we have to stop. I seen an exit for a motel a few seconds ago. Its 4:30 AM its dangerous to be out here."

"I have to get to Loso...and now Mickey." I told him without taking my eyes off the road ass a loud ass thunder roared above us. Rico swerved the steering wheel and I quickly pressed the brakes. I looked over at him and snapped, "if you arent fully into this, that is fine, but what you will do is let me drive."

"The roads are closed!!! And their location havent loved which means they are in Blio. Its fine, they will still be there, Deej. This storm will be big and if we die before we get to them then what?" Rico argued and as I stared in his eyes I rubbed my face and asked, "Why did you decide to come?"

"Honestly, because you helped me get out of jail, so this was my payback, but now I know they tried to kill you...I am staying and going reguardless." He told me. I leaned back in the driver seat and said, "I know Jayceon is pissed."

"I told him and he allowed me to come." He informed me, before saying, "now take this next exit and lets get to a motel before this storm come." He told me as I pulled off and exited the highway. We arrived to Shady Ends Motel and lord was it a dump. It was in a woody area and had 2 floors with a small building smack in the middle, must be where you rent the room at. I seen a brown old ice vending machine. I parked and we hopped out. I was still dressed in only briefs and was cold as hell as the wind blew like whistles. We ran into the door and Rico closed it. We walked over to the counter and I ringed the doorbell. I looked up at Rico and whispered, "You have your gun, Oliander." He smirked, "I leave nowhere without."

"Good, because I seen Vacancy and creepy ass places like this isnt whats poppin'." I told him making him laugh. An old man with a cane walked over to desk and I said, "Can we have two rooms, please."

"Two?" Rico asked, as if he didnt know how this was going. I chuckled, "Yea, one for you and one for me." Rico argued, "So you wanna sleep alone in this rundown ass building, no offense."

The man spit tabacco from his mouth and said, "None taken. And no need to argue. We are at full capacity and only have our honeymoon room left. One Heart shaped bed and One Glass shower." We looked at one another and our breathing got in sync and I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine. How much?"

"250 Dollars." He said. I snapped, "Oh you are a lying ass son of a --" Rico went into his pocket and pulled out the money and slapped it on the counter. We walked out with the key just as the rain start pouring down and I hurried over to room 210 and we ran inside and was actually in shock how nice and clean it actually was. I guess the outside was decieving. I was freezing cold and Rico must have noticed it because he went over and turned the air down.

I exhaled, "I dont even have no changing clothes...I only have a pair of emergency briefs in my glove department." I said walking towards the bathroom to shower.

Rico exhaled, "Shirt or pants?" He unloosened his jeans and dropped them and he had on gym shorts, that would have definitely been too big.

"Ill take your shirt. And could you go get my briefs. It will be raining soon." I told him. I went into the bathroom and strip down and quickly turned on the hot shower. I bathed for around 25 Minutes before stepping out and wrapping myself in a towel. I walked out and seen the lights out and the rain making a loud noise against the window. I looked and seen the briefs and shirt laid out over the chair. I quickly got dressed and slowly made my way over by the bed. I slowly slid into the bed and I didnt want to wake him. As I finally got comfortable and turned facing the wall with my ass facing Rico, I heard him talk.

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