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Chapter 1: Impossible

Flashback 5 Years Ago

Rico drove down the New York City Streets with revenge in his eyes. Xavier drove passenger with tears in his. He think it is all his fault why Rocko bashed his best friend head. Durk sat quietly in the back seat.

"Are you sure you want to go to his house?" X asked Rico scared of this answer in a way.

"Fuck yea, Imma kill him and his father. ..and that father dying for you." He told X with anger in his voice and red in his eyes. X started breathing slowly up&down.

"Rico, listen you have changed. You aren't this guy anymore. Rocko will go to jail for this if he isn't caught already. You are about to do something foolish and you can lose Deejay forever if you kill these people and go to jail. My best friend is laying in a hospital bed and I walk in to see you spazzing out and dragging me back out into this shit."

Rico argued, "This all off your face. If you wasn't fucking that man dad this wouldn't have happened. You suppose to be laid up in that bed not waking up." X screamed a loud cry, "I KNOW." He buried his head into the palm of his hands. Durk finally spoke up from the backseat and said, "Bruh, let the cops handle Rocko. You just need to get back to that Hospital, because when he wakes he would want to see you in person.. not on the news for a double homicide." Rico bit his lip fighting off his better judgement and remember the good time they was just having before it turned to shit. He punched the steering wheel before making a crazy turn in the road. He had to be there when Deejay wakes up. He have to be, it's no other way he will like it.

Present Day


"Dad, are you high or something?" I looked across the dinner table of The Cheesecake Factory and spotted Carlee staring at me as if I was crazy. My mind have been zoning out knowing tomorrow is the party for his Moms. Deejay Mom that is, I get to see him and hopefully he hears me out. Y'all don't understand that night change my life forever, some none forgiveable shit went down. How ever, he will know that I feel that shit was setup.

"Yea, I'm good. Just a little tired, so how middle school?" I asked Carlee. She cut her cheesecake and said, "Pa, it is crazy.. Mom had to pay for this expensive dress for this dance we having next month. The girls are catty and this one boy always bothering me but its cool." I know what the fuck that bothering shit means. I remember bothering Isis Golden until 8th grade and fucked her in the bathroom.

"Whats this lil nigga name?" I sternly asked her. She laughed, "Romeo."

"Alright, I'm coming out to the school to speak to him. Matter of fact, Monday I'm dropping you off."

She retorted, "Why Dad? He is just being a boy. Calm down." Do she not know what Boys will be boys mean? As I looked at her across the table I wish I was speaking and giggling with her 7 year old self. My baby girl is growing up so fast. I don't like it.

"So Deejay called me?" She said changing the conversation. I exhaled and said, "What happened?"

"Oh nothing he told me that he was coming for his Moms party with Marc. That's all. And did I know if you were coming... I said no. Dad you aren't coming right?" She asked.

"Nah, I didn't even know about it."I had to lie. However, knowing he coming with this Marc fucknigga will make it harder for me to speak to him. He will have his guard up. Keesha told me they got engaged, I was thrown off by that..even more throwed when she told me about the matching tattoos. Keesha keeps me updated, because she believes I would never hurt him intentionally.

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