You couldn't help but laugh hysterically at the scene. Never in your life had you seen anyone get so scared by a simple boo. You had your hands on you knees and were trying hard to catch your breath, but you kept laughing so hard that it was impossible to get any kind of breath.

"Yah..why'd you do something so mean?" Hoseok asked with a pout

"I'm sorry...I....I...." You couldn't finish your sentence because of how much you were laughing, and at this point tears were forming in your eyes.

He got up and walked over towards to you.

"Alright wasn't that funny."

"Yes it was."

After you said that, Hoseok gave you a playful punch on the arm.

"Aish..just catch your breath. I don't want you dying on me."

You started to calm down from your hysterical laughter. You were able to breathe in the cold air through your nose. The air was so cold that whenever you breathed in, it would travel down your throat.

"So, how's it going?" asked Hoseok

"I'm ok."

"Oh come on..don't give me that. I need more details."

"It could be better."

Even though you were speaking the truth, you delivered the statement with a small smile.

"Aigo, why are you so stubborn." Hoseok rubs the top of your head messing up your hair and leaned his face down closer to yours.

You were met with his dark brown eyes and couldn't help but blush. All the while, your heart began to race faster than what you thought was possible. You were worried that either your heart was going to leap out of your chest, or that Hoseok could hear your heart thump, or both. Your swallowed a lump in your throat, and when you tried to speak, your throat felt dry.

"uhhhh...I dont know." You said meekly.

"Aww..your so cute."

"What do you mean?"

"You're cute when you blush."

This caused you to blush profusely. You were on your way to becoming a tomato.

At this point, you were so embarrassed, you walked away from him. Why did he have so much of an effect on you? You knew he was cute. Actually, cute was an understatement for Hoseok. The boy could kill with just his looks, and his personality added more to the great things about him.

"So..what is it that you want to do?" you asked Hoseok.

"I don't know..I just wanted to talk to you."

"How come?"

"Because whenever I see you, my day seems to be brighter."

How is it that you brightened Hoseok's day? You could barely find a reason for wanting to wake up in the morning. What was so special about you? Wasn't he supposed to be the optimistic one? Isn't he the one who is supposed to brighten other people's days? Not that you were complaining, but you were in a dark hole of your own. To bring light into someone else's life was...well, a new concept for you.

"Are you ok? You seem a little down" you asked

"Yeah.. I mean, I've been going through some things."

So...even the brightest of people had their hardships, you thought.


" seems like nobody wants to be with me. Everytime someone talks to me, or hangs around with me, they always ask for the group. It's like if no one wants to be with me."

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