Part 3

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As the three of you made your way through crowded hallways and navigated through a maze of people, Jimin spotted a guy stretched out on the couch taking a nap. You thought to yourself, "Who the hell naps at a party? Isn't the music loud? How the hell can he sleep with so many people around him?". He had black hair, skin paler than snow, and the best legs you probably have ever seen. There was something so peaceful about him sleeping that your instinct warned you not to wake him or hell was going to be unleashed.

"Hoseok hyung, I don't know if we should wake him."

"He's at a party, he shouldn't even be sleeping in the first place."

"But still, you know how hard Yoongi hyung works. Maybe we should let him sleep."

So that's his name then...Yoongi, you thought.

"Alright how about this then, we go look for the others, get them, and come back for Yoongi. That way he gets to sleep more, and we don't have to be the ones to suffer his wrath alone. It's a win-win situation."

"Hyung...anytime we have to wake up Yoongi it's automatically a lose-lose situation."

"I know. But if we drag in the others, we won't be suffering alone."

"Alright let's go find them then."

You start to move until the three of you hear a loud thud coming from the staircase.


Just the noise itself gave the boys a clue as to who the victim of the staircase was. The three of you rushed over to the staircase to find a tall guy with dirty blonde hair splayed all across the floor. While Yoongi may have had great looking legs, this guy was all legs. No wonder he was so damn tall. Other than tall, he was good looking just like Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi. You began to question if this group of theirs was nothing but flower boys.

"You know Namjoon, the reason why there is a handrail is so that way accidents don't happen," Jimin said.

"But you don't get it! I WAS HOLDING ONTO THE RAIL! I just slipped somehow and I fell, I don't know how it happened."

"You never do Namjoon." replied Hoseok.

As the boys started to help Namjoon up, you were now able to formally meet.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon."


"Nice to meet you. So, what's up guys?"

"According to Y/N here, our Jungkookie has a girlfriend. So we're gathering up the crew so we can humiliate him...lovingly of course." Hoseok said.

"Wait. Repeat the part of Jungkook having a girlfriend. I'm not sure if I heard you correctly, or if I really did seriously injure myself."

You were beginning to assume that Jungkook was extremely shy around the boys. It didn't really seem like it seeing how cozy he was getting to your best friend, Karen. The boy was good looking. He could have any girl he wanted, yet apparently, he was extremely shy. Well, looks can be deceiving right? You should know that by now.

"Yeah..that's why we're getting the crew. We want to make sure we have enough witnesses to document this historical moment. We wouldn't have known about it if Y/N never mentioned it, and knowing Jungkook, he would have kept it a secret for a little while longer."

"That's my boy. It's good he's finally getting some action. I was scared that he was going to be alone forever. do know Jin isn't going to be too happy about this right?"

And then it clicked. Hoseok and Jimin had more than just Yoongi to worry about, now they had to break the news to Jin. How were they going to do that?

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