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My phone vibrated and I pulled it out. Joji called me but I ignored his call once again. Even Max and Ian texted and called me. It was already 10pm and I didn't know where I was. It was obviously my first time in Australia. I walked down the street and obversed the people. Sydney was an extremely beautiful place and I enjoyed the time here. The sun was finally down and I stopped walking. Tears filled my eyes and I realized that I overreacted. I dissapeared in a corner and pulled my phone out. Joji is probably really worried. The tears started to run down my cheeks and I called Joji.

"Why aren't you answering my calls?" Joji shouted through the phone. He seemed to be really upset. "Joji please..." I tried to continue but he interrupted me. "Y/n you can't just leave the house without any of us. You barely know this city!" Him shouting at me made me feel sick and I started sobbing. "Please Joji. I don't know where I am. Please pick me up." I heared his heavy breath and it sounded like he just ran a marathon. "Send me your location." He said quietly and hung up. I did what he said and waited for him. My legs got mushy and I started to shake. I was still mad at Joji. Maybe he was cheating on me. Or maybe not. I really trust him and I truly love him but why wouldn't he tell me. I felt anxious everytime people walked pass me. I was alone in a dark corner, the street was actually empty and I could hear laughs and loud noises from the pub, which was on the other side of the street. The minutes passed by like hours and I hoped for Joji to appear anytime. Suddenly a man who walked pass me stopped and looked at me. The bottle in his hand and the way he walked, told me that he was hella drunk. I lowered my gaze and prayed that he would continue walking. But instead of walking pass me he walked towards me and I stepped back. "What are you doing here all by yourself, beautiful?" He asked and took a sip out of his bottle. I didn't answer and just tried to walk pass him but he sprawled his arm out and pushed me back. My heart started to beat faster and my hands started to shake. "Why don't you want to talk to me?" He asked and came nearer to me. "Leave me alone." I said with a shaking voice. Please Joji, where are you? The man raised his eyebrows. "I'm just trying to have a nice conversation." He said and took a step forward. He stepped closer until I was dragged in the corner. My eyes started to fill up with tears and I widened my eyes as his hand touched my hip. "A beautiful, young lady should not be around here at this point of time." His breath smelled extremely gross. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. With all my strength I grabbed his shoulder, pushed him to the side and escaped from the corner. "Hey!" He shouted, turned around and grabbed my arm. "Fucking hell. Leave me alone." I screamed. He grabbed me, pushed me to the wall and covered my mouth with his hand. Tears ran down my face. I tried to free myself from his grip but he was way stronger than me. Suddenly I could hear a car stopping on the other side of the corner. The door opened and Max jumped out. He ran towards the man and punched him on his temple. The man tumbled and fell to the ground. Max grabbed my arm and pulled me to the car. He opened the door for me and jumped in as well. I was still shook about what happened and just sat there. A man was about to rape me. Suddenly the tears started to flow and I covered my face with my hands. I couldn't control my loud sobbing. Max wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a close hug. "Shhh everything is okay." He said quietly. "You're safe now."

We arrived at Max house and we all got out of the car. Everyone stepped into the house except me and Ian. He laid his hand on my shoulder and I looked up. "Don't ever do that again." I nodded quietly. "We all were so worried about you. Please Y/n." I hugged him and we walked in. Joji didn't talk to me. He was really angry at me and I understood why. I've never felt so much like shit before. Ian told me that he'd make me a hot cup of chocolate after I got out of the shower. "Change into comfortable clothes." Max said and I hopped into the bathroom. I still felt extremely sick, like I was about to throw up anytime. Everytime I thought about the smell of the man my stomach cramped together.

I walked into my room and saw Joji sitting on the bed. I looked at him and couldn't handle the distance between us anymore. Even tho he was just 3 steps away from me, it felt like 300 million steps between us. "Don't you want to talk to me?" I asked quietly and closed the door behind me. He looked up and his eyes signaled tiredness. Joji stood up and walked towards me. "Why in hell would you do something like that?" He asked. I didn't answer. "You can't imagine..." He took a deep breath. "...How fucking worried I was y/n!" Now he was shouting. I shivered as his loud voice filled my ears. I shook my head and tried to told the tears back. He grabbed my shoulders with a little bit to much pressure. "You can't just leave without any of us." I started to sob. I've never cried so much in my life. "I was texting with Jasmine because we were planning something for your birthday!" I looked into his eyes and tried to talk, but my voice was like cordered up. His angry eyes got smoother and so did his hands. I looked to my shoulders and could see the red spots. My gaze wandered back to him and suddenly the pain got stronger and a tear rolled down my cheek. Joji wrapped his arms around me. "I didn't mean to. I'm sorry y/n." He whispered. I felt miserable, not because he hurt me. Because I messed up so fucking bad. "Just please promise me that you won't do that again." I nodded and he freed me from his hug. With his thumbs he wiped away my tears and laid his lips on mine. His taste made me forget everything that happened. My heartbeat got slower and the atmosphere calmer. He laid his warm hand on my back and pulled me closer. "I wouldn't forgive myself, if anything would happen to you y/n." He said and looked into my eyes. Joji walked pass me and left the room.

I'm sorry reader that you got attacked :(. But you're safe now in Papa's hands yikes. That's all I have for you guys today and I really hope that you enjoyed it. And Thank you so much for 5k. Like for real doe after just one chapter? Y'all are crazy. I appreciate every single one of you my bois. And I already have my first hater. Shoutout to you girl, spamming 24/7 about how shitty my story is. If you don't like it just leave fam. But I ain't hating her, I appreciate the reads lmao JK. Byyyeeeeee <3333

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