Chapter One--A Full Brother?!

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"And Chasing The Storm, who was moving up after settling into his stride is being pulled up! Chasing The Storm gets pulled up halfway down the backstretch!"

"His canon bone is shattered. We can't guarantee anything, especially any kind of surgery."

"Just put him down. He doesn't deserve to suffer."

*The vet left and came back with a needle. Sara watched as the needle went into Storm's neck and was slowly injected. A little bit later, Storm's eyes closed, never to open again.*


Now 18 year old Sara Wilson sat on a stool in front of Storm's old stall that still had his Triple Crown winner sign hanging on the front. No horse had occupied the stall since Storm's passing. And it would probably never happen.

Sara listened to the track sounds of the final race of the day. She wasn't out watching since she really had no reason to. Yes, Heartland Stables had a horse in the field, but not a champion. It was a maiden race.

A while later, Doug and Scott came back with a sweaty colt. His dapple gray coat was soaked with sweat.

"How'd he do?," Sara asked, looking at the two year old colt by Important Glory, one of the first of his crop.

"Not too good," Scott said. "He was second last. He faded pretty badly and was beaten about twelve lengths in the field of seven. It was worse than his first race where he was third. But this was also a bigger field with a lot of closers, so we'll give him another race soon. Maybe look into since different tack."

Sara nodded. This was also the first born of Important Glory and Heaven's Door. And he wasn't doing too well for his parents.

"He had a lot of trouble, too," Scott said. "He kept getting boxed in and pressured by two other horses that faded along with him. Hopefully next time out it is a better race."

Scott's phone then started ringing.

"Can you take him and help Doug with his bath? I gotta take this call."

Sara nodded and grabbed the lead rope from Scott as Scott walked off outside to take the call. The worn out colt was led to the wash stalls and given a week deserved bath. He was then put on the hot walker where Steven was waiting for the colt. He was hooked to the hot walker, and now it was up to Steven to put him in the stall later.

Sara and Doug walked back to the barn aisle where Scott was waiting.

"We got a call about a horse and they want us to come down and see him."

"Who's the colt by?", Doug asked. "Nobody wants to sell us hardly any horses due to how bad ours have been doing and due to us almost shutting down."

"Well, he's a two year old colt by Danger Creek and out of Sunset Avenue."

"No way!," Sara said very excited. "A full brother to Storm?!"

"Okay," Doug said. "We'll go and check him out."


And soon, the colt, a dark bay colt with a back left white sock, was standing in the stall that his full brother used to occupy.

"Well," Scott said. "He needs a name. Any ideas?"

"How about Storm's Pride?," Sara asked. "Even though he's not a son to Storm but his brother, that could be a name for him. And we could call him Pride."

"I actually really like that," Luis said as he walked in. "He is gorgeous."

He stood and looked at him and then started to pet him. He was a sweet colt, and everyone could tell it then.

"We'll see tomorrow if we can get that name accepted," Doug said. He even liked the name and thought that it would fit the colt.


The next day, Doug came back to the barn where Luis, Sara and Scott were standing with the colt.

"It's official," he said. "His name is Storm's Pride."

"Now," Luis said. "Let's see if he can save Heartland Stables and not make us fall further down than what we are currently after losing Storm."

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