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Feeling annoyance wave over her body, Valentine watched as her two friends converse with their dates as the previews for the movie played.

Sitting in between them, she got a full view of them showing affection. As for herself, she showed affection to the bucket of popcorn sitting on her lap.

"Hey, Valerie. Mind sharing?" Renee's date asked. Valentine looked at him stupidly, and focused her attention back to the screen.

"What's up with your friend?" She heard him ask Renee, causing her to roll my eyes hard. She glanced at Valentine, nudging her shoulder.

"You okay?" She mouthed to her frustrated friend, and Valentine shrugged her shoulders, continuing to eat.

"Hell no! I'm not okay!" Is what Valentine wanted to tell her but she didn't want to ruin the date, she suppose.

They set up a date with these two goons during their girls night out. It's a girls night for a reason. But here they are, snickering and giggling while Valentine was by her lonesome.

"Valerie, psst. Can I get some?" She tossed her bucket of popcorn towards him, causing it to spill in his lap.

"Dude, what's up with your friend?"

"You know, you clearly see me here, so why don't you speak to me like you did when you asked my for my popcorn? Begging ass." She stood up, completely irritated and got her bag, walking down the aisle.

Bum ass can't even buy his own shit, we ain't friends. Fuck he think this is? She thought to herself.

"Oh, another thing, my name is Valentine, asshole!" She caused a couple of heads to turn in their direction, but she didn't pay them any mind while she walked down the stairs.

A bit dramatic, but she was infuriated with her friends. They did not inform Valentine that there were going to be tag alongs. Obnoxious tag alongs at that. 

Quickly shooting a text to Mylíon and Renee saying she was going to catch an Uber home, and went on the app getting a ride.

Jennifer Madison
2011 Dodge Challenger
Arrival in 10 minutes

The app notified her, and she pressed the lock button leaning against the building, as the moonlight reflected off her smooth skin.

Valentine does not mean to be so bitter. She simply just wasn't a people person. It took Renee and Mylion forever to persuade Valentine to speak to them, but that was only for personal reasons.

Once Valentine moved to Ohio during her upcoming junior year, she was known as the weird kid.

Her wardrobe was highly different, along with her demeanor.

Glancing down at her combat boots, she loved the way she presented herself; appearance wise at least.

Her personality was something totally different. She was not the type to kiss anyone's ass, nor into the drama field. She was blunt and brutally honest. Slightly caring, doesn't speak much, but was just as sad as the next teen.

As the Uber pulled up, Valentine walked down the small portion of steps, getting into the car.

"Jennifer?" She questioned before actually closing the door.

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