Chapter-Part (Six)

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"No metal is allowed from this point on. Here, we have some other clothes you can wear."

Frowning, you grasped the article of clothing, which just so happened to match that of your color scheme. After getting changed into the brown-colored pants, you stared at your new outfit. Loose-fit brown pants, and a short-sleeve (color) shirt. Killua and Gon wore something similar, the former being a long-sleeve dark blue shirt and white/silver pants whilst the latter wore a sleeveless preface green shirt and dark green pants. All this place had was similar-like pants.

As it turns out, Gon and Kite met when he was younger. He made Gon want to search for his father, so (Name) could see why he wanted to return the thanks. However, then Kite explained an upcoming situation, known as the Chimera Ants..

To say the least, one could guess what happened then.

We're just here to exterminate all those Ants before it becomes a problem... No biggie.

Patting down your clothing, you followed the others towards the horses.

"Rock, paper, scissors- SHOOT!"

"Rock, paper, scissors- SHOOT!"

"Rock, paper, scissors- SHOOT!"

"...Damn. Gon won again."


"Whatever. At least I beat (Name). You really suck at this game, you know?"

"Shut up, Killua!"

A glare was sent to the smirking Zoldyck, as Gon stretched before moving forward. A quick  smile was flashed towards his friends before the male turned to focus on his selected Chimera Ant. So far, they were very weak, but Kite opted that they keep their guard up. Easily, Gon made quick work of his opponent. Next up was Killua.

Kite did not question why the young teens treated this as if it were a wrestling match. 

(Eye Color) eyes tried to single out her opponent. It was a big one, seemed to resemble that of a bear humanoid. It held deformities, as it was fused, and it gave (Name) a twisted feeling in her gut. But she released a breath and walked forward, keeping her gaze on the creature. As if accepting the challenge, it jumped forward, the impact it made on the ground causing it to jump. (Name) gotten into a stance.

Battles weren't hard. She held a good amount of experience. Though, this suppose threat level of these creatures seemed remind her about Genthru. That battle gave her quite the rush. Pushing against the ground, she took to a leap within the air, outright avoiding the swing aimed at her. With the window to act closing quickly, (Name) planted the soles of her shoes into the beast's neck area. She had used a great deal of strength into it, yet didn't hear a crack. Their bodies must've been strong.

Flipping away from the arm-sweep, she ignored the green blood that soaked both her shoes. The humanoid twisted himself around, and rested its sights upon her. The second he had done so, he was behind her, shocking her slightly. Reaching her hands up to block, her body was jerked off to the side like that of a rag doll, sending her flying. The creature began walking towards her body as it fell to the ground.

He's fast!

"I'll enjoy watching you squirm in your last moments."

Slowly she reached her knees, just as he reached her form. A chuckle escaped, and with a spinning maneuver, she tripped the creature onto his back. With ease she stood, brushing off her hands. Hurriedly standing to his feet, he prepared to attack when a sudden pain entered his form. A sound resembling that of a boom erupted through the air, shaking the trees along with its own form.

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