Chapter-Part (Five)

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"This is really it, isn't it?"


"Come on, Gon! No more wasting time! Let's go find your dad!"


Without wasting any time, he flicked out a familiar Greed Island game card. It held the ability to teleport.

See, after winning the game, the winners each got to choose what card they wanted to use within reality. Because apparently Ging and his friends were that amazing. Unfortunately, only two cards were able to be chosen, so Bisky cashed her reward in whilst the young teens all agreed for Gon to gain the last one. Which brought them to the now..

"Accompany on!"

He raised the card in the air, a determined look in his face. Killua and (Name) braced themselves as the Freecss spoke the next words.


What they got was something they all wasn't expecting. 

They were transported across the world, (Name) assumed, into a misty cold, mysterious area. The (Hair Color) girl grasped her arms, eyeing the figure in the distance. Her body was being pumped with an unknown rush, anticipation and expectation filled to the brim of meeting the "Legendary" Ging. How did Gon feel? She assumed Killua felt similar, but Gon's must've been off the charts.

Taking a step forward, a single bead of sweat poured on his face. He was nervous. Opening his mouth, Gon spoken.


(Name) felt her heart beating within her chest crazily. And it wasn't for anticipation this time. No, it was for the fact that this "Ging" basically zoomed in front of them, and roughly yanked them all to the ground. She had fell face first, hearing a clown's voice speaking afterwords.

"I got a slot machine in my mouth!!"

Oh god, no-

Recovering to her knees, she'd turn to glare at "Ging". Everyone was too afraid to move. That or in..shock. The lanky person spoken then, cursing casually among his breath. With a swift maneuver, he held a gun in his hand. He wasn't planning too..?

"..Damn. Bad roll."

Immediately he began firing it off, the direction being aimed at Gon. Killua, being the fast-thinker he was, lunged forth and grabbed Gon, rolling them out the way. You backed away quickly from the spot you once were, trying not to get in the crossfire. The guy seemed to be having a conversation with his weapon(?), but (Name) ignored that completely. Instead, she looked over to her two friends, watching as they stared at the man silently. Definitely a conversation going.

When the shots stopped you took the time to regroup, sliding in front of the two defensively. There was tons of dust, and your slide only added more. (Eye Color) eyes narrowed into a glare, as the silver-haired man began walking closer. Silver-hair? Did Gon's dad really have silver-hair?

"I don't care if your Ging!! What kind of dad shoots at his child?!"

Without hesitance she yelled at the man, making him cease walk. (Name)'s body was tense, but felt a sudden sensation of being yanked down to her bottom, cold fingertips wrapped around her arm. Killua.

"That's not Ging, you idiot!!"

He spoke in a irritated yet hushed tone, glaring as if you had blown their cover. And in a way, you did. Widening your eyes, you glanced at Gon for confirmation. Amber eyes stared into hers for a brief moment, before rising to his feet. Killua followed suit after much hesitance. She looked at the lanky man more warily now. If not Ging, then who was he? Why did the card not work? Why had he shot at children? All of these questions buzzed within your head as you grasped Gon's outstretched hand, helping you to your feet.

However, Gon spoke then, shocking both (Name) and Killua.

"You're... Kaito.."


Hey, It's Me!

Instead of using Kite, the characters will be calling him Kaito. But, it might go back and forth between the two.

The next update for this is coming soon!

And after the next chapter, then the long awaited Quirkless Runt will be updated. Be patient, please!

As Easy As Sayin' Yes || Gon Freecss x Fem!ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora