Chapter-Part (Two)

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"And now we'll have our third ranked match today! Everyone, please welcome Gon Freecss and (Name) (Last Name) to the stage!"

The two walked up to the stage respectively, feeling the adrenaline pump through their veins with a constantly beating heart. It wasn't that they were scared, no, it was quite the opposite.

Raven colored-hair swayed with the air, staring ahead at his opponent. He, surprisingly, paid attention to little details of her features. The way her locks clung and cradled onto her face... The building should really fix the air conditioning.

"Two, young fighters who worked up a sweat to get here! Here we have Gon, who's usually known for his devastating palm attack! And then we have (Name), a newcomer to this level!"

At hearing this, Gon's eyebrows raised as he asked her a question, ignoring the announcer speak.

"This is your first match for this floor?"

This was his last one. What a strange match-up..

"Now, let this match.. BEGIN!!"

For moment, they didn't move to action, but both did look as if they were ready to bolt as soon as the other blinked. Instead, a smile came to the girl's face, which caused curiosity to tickle his insides.

"You better not hold back on me, Freecss!!"

Before he could answer, she rushed forward.

She didn't lie about standing by her policy.

Gon's honey-colored hues quickly darted to the girl that sat beside him, worry pulling at his brow. The (Eye Color)-eyed girl glumly looked at her propped up arm, staring at the white that currently engulfed it. A cast.

No matter how many times he pushed her back, palmed her, or even toss her she wouldn't stay down. It had gotten to the point where the boy was even worried for her health, as even some hits she took he cringed. Of course, he found himself apologizing multiple times afterward. There had been a point where he had asked her if she wished to concede, only to get a sharp negative in response. From the crowd, Killua suggested Gon use just enough force to knock out his stubborn opponent, to which the Hunter tried.

..It didn't go exactly as planned.

"I can't believe you actually broke my arm."

She was examining it, tilting her head in certain angles as if the sight change at a specific one. The green-clad Hunter had a sad and worried look pressed on his face, looking at the girl directly.

"I'm really really sorry, (Name)-chan!"

For the fifth time within that minute she mimicked what was said many times before.

"For the last time Gon, it's okay! It doesn't even hurt, see? It'll only be two weeks."

That didn't stop the guilt but he closed his mouth on it, nodding briefly.

"You were really stubborn, (Name)-chan.."

"I told you! But besides that, what was that at the end of our fight, huh?! You just forfeited!"

The male would rub at his head childishly, before raising his hands in defense.

"I couldn't just keep beating on you like that!! I'd feel way too bad!"

She gave him a glare, which caused nervous laughter.

"B-besides, I could climb back up quickly anyway. It wouldn't even take that long, honest!"

"Yeah, yeah.."

She'd take a stand there, catching his attention.

"I'm gonna go put some ice on this."

"But! The doctor said not to wet the cast!"

"Pff. Nobody knows my body better than me, you know!"

She gave him a thumbs-up to halt his worries. It worked for the time being. He still felt guilty, and at least wanted to help her out a little.

"Well.. Do you want me to go with you? In case you need help with the door.."

"Gon, that's what my other hand is for. Seriously, I'm okay!"

He looked down to his feet. It was an accident. She was okay with it. So..why wasn't he? Before he could ponder more she sighed, gathering his attention.

"You really want to help me, huh?"

He bolted straight out his seat, nodding quite eagerly. Only to falter at her next words.

"Then why don't you try to cater to a broken arm? You can repay me back like that."

This made him halt, clearly confused. A hand went to his chin as he begun thinking, stream blowing out his ears. (Name) sweat-dropped.

"Hey, don't think so hard on it!"

Shaking her head she turned her back on him, waving her free hand over her shoulder.

"I'll see you later."

"W-wait! You will tell me what you meant, won't you?"

She paused her step, throwing her head over her shoulder. And with a smile he couldn't exactly place, she said the following:

"Nope. Against the policy, remember?"

And she was gone, leaving the boy behind in mere confusion. 

"Why don't you try to cater to a broken arm?"

He didn't understand what she meant. At least, not until a few weeks later...




Gon pouted at his cast, glaring at (Name) as she continued to laughed loudly in the background.

"(Name)-chan no fair! ...You jinxed me."

As Easy As Sayin' Yes || Gon Freecss x Fem!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora