Into the Lake

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After Head Girl duties, grueling Quidditch practices, and just an abundance of homework, it was finally Friday.

Rose sat in Arithmancy, taking an exam. It wasn't a NEWT or an important exam, but it was an exam all the same. Finally, she finished the last number chart and looked over it before deciding that it looked correct. She packed up her quill and books, walked up to Professor Vector, and handed her the test.

"Excellent," Professor Vector replied, her eyes skimming over the test. "You're free to go."

"Thank you," Rose said picking up her bookbag and exiting the classroom.

She walked through the deserted halls of the school, which was rare to see. Classes were almost over for the day, but Rose had gotten out of class at least a half hour early. She headed towards the Gryffindor Common Room to put away her books and maybe get a head start on some homework or go to the library.

"Rose!" Came a familiar voice from down the corridor.

"Al?" Rose exclaimed, surprised, turning around to face him. Albus and his friends, Farrah, Alexander, and Scorpius approached her.

"What are you doing out of class?" Rose asked, raising an eyebrow at her cousin.

"I could ask you the same thing," he replied, smirking at her.

"I finished my test early and got to leave," Rose replied. "Now why aren't you in class. Don't tell me you're skipping."

"I'm not," Al assured her. "Charms was canceled today, Flitwick's probably sick. We're heading outside now. Do you want to come too?"

"Sure," Rose replied. "If it's okay with everyone else."

"Of course," said Farrah, motioning for Rose to stand next to her. "I can't be the only girl all the time."

Rose joined the group of Slytherins as they walked out to the grounds outside the school.

"What's it like spending all your time with three boys," Rose asked smirking slightly.

"I'm used to it," Farrah replied. "I have four brothers, actually."

"Four?" Asked Rose.

"Yup. Three of them are older and have already left Hogwarts. Oliver's one year younger."

"I have a bunch of cousins who are boys, and over the summer we spend enough time together that we might as well be siblings."

The group of Slytherins and a Gryffindor stopped next to the Quidditch locker rooms.

"Who's up for a game of Quidditch?" Asked Albus, glancing at them.

"I am," Scorpius said, and the rest of them agreed.

"The only problem is that we don't have enough people," replied Farrah glancing around. "We don't even have seven people, let alone fourteen."

"We can just fly around, or only play chasers," Alexander suggested, shrugging.

"Sure, but we still don't have enough people," Farrah said. "We'd want to go 3 versus 3, but-"

At that very moment, Maureen Larkin appeared, running up to them and throwing herself at Scorpius. To Rose's satisfaction, Scorpius looked rather disgusted as he shifted away from Maureen and glanced at her warily.

"What's she doing here?" Maureen asked, addressing Rose and wrinkling her nose. "And what are you even doing out here?"

"Talk about my cousin like that one more time and we'll have a problem," Albus said warningly. "And we're playing Quidditch."

"Okay, sorry," she replied. "Can I join you?"

"I don-" began Al, but Farrah cut him off.

"Sure," she said. "We need 6 people anyways."

The group agreed reluctantly and filed into the changing rooms. Rose pulled on her Quidditch practice robes, tied her hair up, and grabbed her broom before emerging from the locker rooms. The rest of them met her next to the pitch and hopped onto their brooms. Al carried a quaffle and they soared through the air.

"Catch!" He cried, tossing the ball to Scorpius, and the ball traveled to one person to the other.

Soon, the game transitioned from catch to just chasing other people around on brooms. Rose soared through the sky, chasing Farrah towards the black lake as Al flew behind her. They were flying near the edge of the Black Lake when Al grabbed the back of Rose's broom and tipped it over slightly.

With a shriek, Rose fell off her broom and into the freezing lake.

"ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER!" She screamed, shivering in the cold water as Albus burst out into laughter above her, still holding onto her broom.

She wiped her red hair out of her eyes as she heard another splash and glanced up just in time to see Scorpius join her in the lake.

"Your cousin is definitely something else," Scorpius said dryly, glancing up at Albus, who smirked and flew off, followed by Farrah and Alexander.

"Why did you push Scorpius into the lake?" Shrieked Maureen, staring down into the water.

"Just grow up," muttered Albus, glancing at Maureen. "He'll live."

Rose grinned at Scorpius, shivering. She suddenly noticed that she liked his smile and the way his gray eyes glittered in the sun... wait, what?

"Here," Scorpius grabbed Rose's hand and she blushed in spite of herself. She let him drag her out of the lake and onto the dry ground.

"We're going to have to get Al for this," Rose said, waving her wand to dry her clothes.

"What are we waiting for?" Scorpius asked, grinning at her, and they both took off towards the castle, a sudden and unlikely friendship forming.

AN: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long! I've been caught up with school and stuff, but I hope you enjoy this chapter! Scorose is finally starting to happen.

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