Quidditch Tryouts

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The next week flew by, and before Rose knew it, it was Saturday. She woke up to Aurelia pacing across the room anxiously.

"What's wrong, Rey?" Rose said, squinting through the sun pouring through the windows.

"It's just... Quidditch tryouts. Are you sure I can make the team? Last year there were over 10 people who wanted to be chaser and---"

"Seriously?" Rose grinned, rolling her eyes. "Daughter of Oliver Wood and Katie Bell not making the Gryffindor team? You're kidding me, right?"

"Okay, okay," Aurelia laughed. "Maybe I'm overreacting a little."

"I'm not even going to pretend to know anything about Quidditch," muttered Jessica sleepily from her bed. "But don't worry. You'll be fine!"

"Okay!" Aurelia said, holding both hands above her head. "Let's change the subject."

"Okay then," Emilia replied, applying mascara in the mirror. "Once I'm done with this, lets go down to breakfast."

Rose quickly got dressed, and because it was the weekend, she wore a pair of jeans and a red shirt. She laced up her shoes, grabbed her wand and walked down to the Great Hall with Aurelia, Jessica, and Emilia.

Rose saw Aaron McLaggen lecturing a group of fifth and sixth year boys about Quidditch tryouts or something along those lines. She spotted Hugo looking extremely bored as McLaggen droned on and stifled a laugh.

"Quidditch tryouts today," Lily grimaced, picking at a piece of toast.

"You too?" Asked Rose. "Aurelia's been going off on how nervous she is too. You'll be fine. Besides, you're an amazing seeker!"

"Thanks," said Lily. "I guess I'm just nervous. But I've made the team since third year. I shouldn't be worried."

"There's the spirit!" Rose exclaimed. "You'll be fine!"

"Okay," grinned Lily.

The day passed by quickly, and Rose, Lily, and Aurelia grabbed their broomsticks and walked down to the Quidditch Pitch. Jessica and Emilia had come down earlier and sat in the stands to watch the tryouts take place.

"Alright!" Aaron yelled at the assembled Gryffindors. "Seekers here, keepers here..."

Rose stood by a few other seeker hopefuls, including Laura Penn. She wasn't dressed in proper Quidditch clothing, and instead was wearing a low cut shirt and a pair of pants that looked painfully tight. She must have felt out of place, because everyone else was wearing Quidditch robes.

"I didn't find Louis in the library," Laura said simply, tossing her shiny, brown hair over her shoulder. "Were you lying?"

"Nope," Rose said, unbothered. "I thought I saw him walking down there. I guess he wasn't, but it isn't my job to watch after my cousins."

Laura glared at her and crossed her arms. She turned away to survey the crowds of people gathered in the stands.

"Listen up!" Yelled McLaggen. "This is what we're going to do!"

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