First Game of the Season

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After enduring several stormy Quidditch practices, increasingly difficult NEWT lessons, and Head Girl patrol duties, it was finally time for the first Quidditch match of the year: Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Predictable, yes, but Gryffindor vs Slytherin matches were always the most exciting.

"Remember what we practiced!" Aaron McLaggen yelled, pacing through the locker room. "It's raining pretty badly right now, so I know even finding the snitch will be hard, Lily. Because of that, we'll just have to focus on scoring and staying up while she looks for the snitch. We've been practicing in these conditions, so we should be mildly used to it. It's time to head out on the field. Everyone have everything they need?"

Rose gripped her broomstick in one hand and the team trudged onto the pitch, rain pouring steadily around them. People stood in the stands, screaming and waving either red or green flags. She tried to locate Jessica or Emilia, but it was hard to through the thick rain.

"Captains, shake hands!" Professor Bell yelled over the rain.

Aaron walked forward and shook Albus's hand. They stepped back, and everyone mounted their brooms. Professor Bell blew her whistle, and the game began.

Rose flew up immediately and took her place in front of the goal. Aurelia gained possession of the quaffle immediately and began to make her way upfield.

"And Aurelia Wood is starting out the game strong, weaving up the field and-- oh, there comes a bludger courtesy of Farrah Zabini-- and she scores! 10-0 Gryffindor!" María Jordan, the commentator exclaimed, and the Gryffindor supporters in the audience went wild.

María continued to commentate as Scorpius and Maureen made their way over to the Gryffindor goalposts. The ball soared towards the rings and Rose hit it away, preventing a goal.

If it was even possible, the rain began to fall harder, in thick sheets. The game progressed on until Gryffindor and Slytherin were tied 40-40. The snitch was still nowhere to be found, and Lily and Albus were searching everywhere.

Martin Yareli brought the quaffle down the field, but Rose caught it with ease and threw it up to Louis.

"And I think she's seen something!" María shouted out. "Lily Potter's diving towards something on the ground... is it the snitch? Albus is close on her trail! I think Lily's got something here... AND SHE'S CAUGHT THE SNITCH! 150 points to Gryffindor!"

The stands went wild as Lily soared by, holding up the snitch in her hand. The Gryffindor team flew back to the ground in excitement. Rose's sopping robes clung to her body and the cold rain chilled her body. She ran up to Lily through the rain.

"Good job!" Rose exclaimed. "We won our first game of the season!"

"And we're having a party tonight!" Lily yelled over the rain. "You're not allowed to go to the library and miss it."

"You act like that's the only thing I do," Rose grinned.

She glanced over towards the Slytherin team, who surprisingly didn't look bothered at all. She noticed Scorpius glance over at her and say something to Albus. Albus looked completely horrified and dragged a smirking Scorpius by the arm back inside.

After Rose had showered, gotten dressed, and eaten dinner, she walked up to Lily's dormitory. Lily was laying on her stomach on her bed, tapping her wand against one of the posts.

"What are you doing, Lils?" Asked Rose, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know," she replied. "Just bored. I think I'll sneak over to Hogsmeade and smuggle in some butterbeer. We need to celebrate a little."

"You're going to sneak out of Hogwarts?"

"Well, it'll be more fun if we actually have something to drink other than pumpkin juice. Besides, it's our first win of the year. We need to do something special."

"I guess," Rose replied, looking skeptical. "But if you're caught sneaking out or if someone finds out we have butterbeer in the common room-"

"We won't be caught," Lily assured her.

"I don't think I'll stay around for this," Rose grimaced. "I don't want to be in any trouble. The Head Girl being in detention would not look good."

"Come on, I bet you Scorpius's been in detention already this year and he's Head Boy. And besides, it's not a big deal if we're caught drinking butterbeer. It's not like it's firewhisky or anything."

"I guess you're right," Rose relented.

"Exactly," Lily grinned. "I'll go get some butterbeer."

Half an hour later, Lily arrived back in the common room with a carton of butterbeer. The team pushed chairs and couches together and gathered around a table in the middle of the room. Rose took a sip of butterbeer and smiled. Maybe Lily did have a good idea, and maybe Rose just needed to loosen up a little.

"That was a really good game," Aaron announced, taking a swig of butterbeer. "Lily, fantastic catch."

"Thank you!" Lily grinned.

"I would talk more about the game, but I don't want to bore you. So just talk, and we'll have our usual practice tomorrow."

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