The Fat Lady

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Molly II, one of the Gryffindor prefects, led the first year girls to the common room. They reached a large portrait of a fat lady in a pink dress.

"Password?" She asked, smiling at the first years.

"Hippogriff," Molly said, and the portrait hole swung open.

Rose looked into the common room and smiled. It was exactly how her parents had described it; a fireplace, red and gold armchairs and couches, and tables where she assumed people did their homework.

"You ready for this?" Asked Molly, her red hair in a ponytail. "I remember my first day at Hogwarts. I was nervous, but it was all worth it. Hogwarts is one of the best places on earth."

Molly smiled and placed a hand on Rose's shoulder. "Want me to show you up to your dormitory?"

"Sure," Rose replied, and followed Molly up one of two staircases and into a room with around 10 four poster beds. Trunks were set around, one at the foot of each bed.

"Here we are," Molly smiled. "Look for your trunk. The bed it's next to is yours, along with that dresser."

"Thanks," Rose replied as they found her trunk and owl. She began to put her clothes in her dresser and set her books on top.

"Also, you'll probably want to bring your owl to the owlery. I could show you the way," Molly said.

"Okay," Rose smiled. "Thanks."

After Rose grabbed her wand and closed her trunk, Molly lead the way out the portrait hole and through the hallway. They walked through the crowds of students who were excited to see each other after a long summer.

Rose spotted Albus and Scorpius trailing behind an unpleasant looking boy who looked to be the same age as Molly. She felt her heart sink in her chest again. Albus didn't belong with these people.

"Hey, Molly," the boy, who appeared to be the Slytherin Prefect, said.

"No thank you, Flint," Molly rolled her eyes and walked away. "He's been bothering me all day, ever since we both became prefects."

When they reached the owlery, Rose let Ginger in, and then returned to the common room again. Rose entered the dormitory and sat in her bed. Jessica Longbottom and Emilia Finnigan-Thomas had beds close to her and they began to talk.

"Did you hear what some of these people were saying about Albus?" Jessica said quietly. "It was awful."

"What did they say?" Rose asked, frustrated. Albus was still her cousin, Slytherin or not.

"They said Harry should disown him and that he's practically a death eater," Emilia said in a hushed voice.

"What?" Rose said angrily, wanting to hit someone. "That's my cousin they're talking about. And Uncle Harry would never disown him. He loves Albus! And besides, hasn't everyone heard that he was almost in Slytherin himself?"

"I know," replied Emilia. "It's disgusting!"

"Who was it?" Rose demanded.

"We don't know," Jessica replied. "It's just a rumor. But we're definitely not happy about it."

"Yeah, well I'm going to go to sleep," Rose replied, and got into bed thinking about the day, and how so many things had happened.

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