Well when you put it like that... it does sound a little bit crazy. I mean, haven't you ever given it a thought that maybe you're the only one feeling this way?

I wavered a bit.

I didn't even think about that...

My heart stopped for a minute, maybe I'm the only one who wants to get to know her better while she still considers me a stranger and has no real intention of making me reach her 'Friend Zone'.

My heart started pounding nervously...

Aw man!
I never even gave it a single thought!

I mean, it could be true...

She did come into the classroom, and she did see that it was empty, maybe she saw me and played it off like it was nothing, like I didn't even exist...

I sighed.

I know I'm thinking this way.
But why do my feet keep on moving?!

I don't understand...

I want to see her, but at the same time I don't.

I want to say her name, to get to know her better, but afraid if she will reject me on the spot, or better yet, detest me for even mentioning the idea of a friendship between us.

Waeeeeee... why does this happen to me?

What should I do now?

I mean is it even worth going all the way to her?

Will talking to her get me the result that I, oh, so want?

Will we still even talk to each other after this?

Jungkook, STOP.

Just pause for a minute and think about the situation.

First of all, she was the girl who allowed you to be there watching the sunrise with her and soon after, she asked you your name. If she didn't have a good impression of you, I'm sure she wouldn't have asked for the name of a STRANGER who just stood next to her all morning.

Secondly, did you just have all of your brain cells gush out of your body just now?! We're talking about the girl who told us how to get home this morning, the girl who helped us during that horrible math problem, and saved us from a lifetime worth of embarassment, laughter, and ridiculous teasing if I didn't answer that question.

We're talking about the girl who showed you her most biggest smile ever to you. The whole package, eyes scrunched up till she could barely see out of them, cheeks raised up high and those perfect teeth that would show every model in Korea what a true smile really looks like.

Do you really think she will reject you? Even after she's done so many things that can prove to you that she actually wants to be your friend too?

I mean... in the end... even if she does reject me, I guess I will be content that I had the motives to go talk to her and stuck through with it.

I raised my head up high while looking into the distance, a grin taking over my face.

I finally gathered up a newfound confidence in myself and combined it with courage to slap my doubts in the face and do what I intended to do ever since I ran out of that classroom.
To be honest, I'm--

Wait a minute... where am I?

I stopped suddenly.

Oh. My. God.

Did I get lost again?!

I looked around.

And found the school gates a few meters behind me...

Meeting Her (A Jungkook Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now