Chapter Four

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              My dreams were wild during my nap. They went from talking to borrowers, to being a borrower inside a locked cage. People just stared at me, like an animal. Kids wanted me to be their doll, and adults wanted me as a pet. Others as food. It wasn't until I woke up that I knew I was dreaming.
            I shot up, startled by my phone blaring with an alarm. It was about 8:30pm, so I got up to make myself some food. I noticed Amy just sitting at the edge of the dresser. Her tail swayed as she looked out the window. I yawned and walked over to her.

"You alright, Amy?" I asked. She looked up and nodded.

"I'm fine. Just thinking." She said. I scoffed.

"Which means no in girl language." I joked. "I'm going to the kitchen, I'd love if you joined me. Then maybe you can tell me what you were thinking about?" I put my hand down for her to step onto. She smiled shyly and carefully stepped onto my hand. I then went downstairs and into my kitchen. I set her onto the counter. She glanced around my kitchen, amazed.

"This is a beautiful kitchen." She said. I smiled to myself as I began to heat up a pizza pocket.

"Thanks. Took forever to get it this way." I told her. I took the hot pocket out of the microwave and set it onto a plate. Then I sat at the counter by Amy. "Wanna tell me what you were thinking about?" I asked while taking a bite of food. Amy shrugged.

"I was wondering whether you'd be trustworthy or not. My parents always said not to trust giants. They'd say that giants are cruel and selfish." She said, playing with her tail.

"Not all giants are like that. I know that a lot of my kind are like that, and I do not support it at all. But you can trust me, I promise." I set the pizza pocket down. It had cooled down, so I turned it to the side I hadn't bitten off of. "Would you like to have some?" I asked. Amy seemed almost startled by my offering.

"R-really?" She asked. "Are you sure you want me touching your food?"

"I'm not the man at the store, Amy. You eating my food does not bothering me." I told her. She nervously approached the food, and bit into the outside. I gently tore it off so she could have some of the inside as well, which startled her a bit.

"I thought it was just bread!" She said surprised. I couldn't help but laugh and she got her hands and mouth covered in pizza filling. I ripped a tiny piece of paper towel off and handed it to her.

"It's pretty cheesy isn't it?" I asked as she bashfully took the napkin and wiped her face. She nodded, and looked at her feet which were in new shoes. I then pondered something. "Hey, how old are you?" I asked.

"I am nine years old. Zach is seven years old." She answered, nibbling on a pepperoni.

"And you two just lived alone in that shop?" I asked, shocked.

"My parents were killed by giants, like Zach's." She answered, her whole posture falling. Then tears began to fall from her chocolate eyes. "I-I don't want to die like they did! I-it was terrible how they died!" She sobbed. I looked at her with my heart wrenching. I gently stroked her back, making her look up at me.

"Hey, you're safe here now. I will get your guys's papers and make sure no one can come hurt you." I said softly. "After that, I will make sure you're safe for good."

"I miss my parents..." She said with a sniffle. I lifted her up in a cradled position.

"Hey, you're going to be alright. I'm sure your mom and dad are in heaven, wanting you to be safe. They're probably proud of you for being so brave." She looked up at me with wet eyes.

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