Chapter Two

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           Simon looked at me, and I could tell he was pissed. But it wasn't about me. A borrower man with blonde hair and blue eyes was struggling his closed fist.

    "He needs to go to the food market. The little shit doesn't listen, and he's been here past his limit. You know the limit is only three months per borrower." He said irritably. I felt my chest tighten.

   "But sir, I don't handle this kind of thing!" I exclaimed. He slammed the man into my hands.

   "Don't care. Keep the money if you're so scared." He said before walking back. I looked down at the man, who was now rubbing his head while sitting on my hand. I sighed, and left the shop. When he stood, I wrapped my hand around him to keep him from freezing or falling off. He struggled in my closed hand.

"You can't do this to me, you bitch!" He yelled as I walked towards the food market.

"Please calm down." I said calmly. He just cursed at me.

"I'm going to be sold like I'm a fucking snack, and you tell me to calm down?" He asked angrily.

"Yes I'm telling you to calm down because I'm not taking you to the food market. I just needed to get out of Simon's view." I said testily. He stopped squirming and looked at me suspiciously.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not going to sell you off. I'm going to take you home with me tonight." I told him. "But in order to do that, I have to put you in my shirt pocket. Try not to move too much or poke your head out. If I'm busted, you get a worse outcome which Simon will give you. So don't reveal yourself, okay?" I told him.

"Whatever you say, mistress." He said sarcastically.

"Don't call me that. I'm not making you my slave or anything. I'm saving you from being a snack, so don't be rude."

"Yes, mistress. So sorry that I displeased you." He replied. I sighed and dropped him into my shirt pocket. I didn't like being called "mistress", and I know this isn't what he wanted. But it's the middle of winter and he is only in a t-shirt and jeans. You can guess what would most likely happen if I let him run free. I will only keep him with me until spring. Then, he's free to leave or stay. But for his own safety, he's staying until spring.
I went back to the store, praying that the man didn't show he was there. Thankfully, throughout the day he didn't. I was about to leave for home, when Simon approached me.

"Hey, before you leave, I need you to take the borrower from the back to the market." He said. "Keep the money. No arguments."

"But sir, I'm sure if you gave him more time someone good will take him!" I pleaded.

"He's been here for more than four months past his limit. I can't keep him any longer. Now, get going! Market closes in an hour." He pointed to the backroom. "He's in a cage in the back. He didn't even fight either. Just slumped down. Probably knows where he's going." I held my tongue, and kept from arguing further. I couldn't afford to lose this job. If I did, the borrowers wouldn't have someone to trust and I wouldn't have money to pay for my home. So I forced myself to the back room where a borrower man was sitting in a metal cage. He had black hair and blue eyes. Those blue eyes gazed at me emotionlessly.

"Are you coming to take me to my death?" He asked with little emotion. I didn't say anything as I walked up and opened the cage. Then placed my hand for him to climb on to. He seemed confused by this.

"I don't carry borrowers in cages." I said simply. He skeptically climbed onto it. I then left the store, the black haired man sitting on my hand. He was shocked when we walked right past the market.

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