Chaos Spills the Beans

Start from the beginning

"It might actually"

"It probably does" I muttered under my breath

10 minutes later I strolled into are meeting area to find Chiron and Pistos and me as the only ones there yet. 

"Uh, Hello" I greeted them

"Hello Annabeth" replied Chiron while Percy just grunted distracted by an ancient looking piece of paper in his hands. The end of it was all torn as if someone had ripped it in an attempt to take it.  

"Something important I assume?" I asked nodding towards the paper

"Oh, you know just the regular prophecy about the war. This one predicting a big fight between me and Order" He responded 

"Wait are we talking about Order, eldest son of Void, Order here?"

He groans and throws up his hands saying "Does everyone but me know who Order is? You do, Chiron does, Chaos does to. Why was I left in the dark. I read through all the reports of great evils in the Universe and not one mentioned Order!"

"Well I have done my research about the Primordial Gods which mentions that Order betrays Chaos and goes rogue enslaving worlds before being captured by Chaos. He sent them to their father Void who trapped him by essentially absorbing him. I guess Chaos assumed that Order couldn't come back and just tried to forget about him."

"Oh no he knew the prophecy says so. I guess he just really didn't want me worrying about something that may never happen to me like he said earlier" he finally decided

I opened my mouth to respond but that is when James wandered in still in pajamas and all sleepy-eyed. When he saw me he grinned walking over he slung his arm over me and said

"Annabeth I haven't seen you in ages babe" 

"First I'm not your babe and second go away" I retorted pushing his arm away

"Aww, babe you don't want-" he was cut off as Pistos came flying at him pinning him to the ground.

"You heard the woman leave!" he growled

"I'm a head counselor I deserve to be here" he screamed back

"Not anymore your not" he said

"Yeah like you can do that" James remarked

Pistos stood up brushed himself and stepped back before he announced, "I, Pistos, Commander of Chaos, remove the title of Head Counselor of the Poseidon Cabin from James Irving and return it to Perseus Jackson"

"You can't do that" sputtered James

"Yes I can" stated Pistos

James stared at him in shock before saying "You can't give it to Percy he's dead"

"Since Percy cannot be found in the Underworld he can be assumed alive. Now leave and tell the second oldest child of Poseidon to return as a representative for him. Goodbye"

Realizing he couldn't win James left just as Clarisse followed by the Stolls, Katie Gardner and my Warriors entered.

"Uh, why is James leaving?" Travis asked

"Pistos removed him as Head Counselor" I told him

"You can do that?" said Connor looking at him in awe

"Of course I can I'm one of the most powerful beings in the Universe" he said

"Oh" was all Connor could say

After a couple more minutes all the counselors filed in. Soon the story of James getting kicked out was all over the place. Poseidon's representative, Nerida Murray, arrived looking very confused.

"Apparently I'm the representative for Poseidon's Cabin?" she asked in confusion

"Yes you are. Now come sit in the seat beside Annabeth" instructed Pistos.

She sat down still a bit confused. I gave her a smile to reassure her and she smiled back weakly.

"Alright everyone" began Pistos getting everyone's attention "I issued this meeting to inform you about the threat we face and the first steps we must take to defeat it. The enemy we face is named Order he is the leader of the army that does include Gaea and Kronos. When this became clear Chaos told me of an ancient prophecy involving me and Order. However we don't have the whole prophecy because Order has the other part so I decided a quest led by me must be sent to find the rest of it." finished Pistos

"We should consult the Oracle, Rachel Dare" I blurted out

"Where I plan on going I will get a prophecy. While I'm gone training led by my warriors will continue. I want defenses built by the Hephaestus cabin when Gears and Embers arrive I want them working on that to. I need plans from the Athena and Ares cabins, Chiron get the Coucil of Cloven Elders to rally the satyrs and the rest of you should just keep training hard but pitching in whenever they can" he answered clearly showing he had thought this all through.

"I'm going" I announce

Pistos looks surprised at first but his body relaxes thinking about it. He nods and says, "I will take Annabeth and one other member on my quest"

"I'll go" says a small voice besides me as everyone turns in surprise looking at Nerida

"Alright it's decided we leave today at noon this meeting is over" declares Pistos rising with everyone from their seats. I leave with the rest heading back to my cabin to get as much rest as I can before I leave for the quest.

And there you have it another chapter. Anyways the usually disclaimer that I don't own PJO and HOO but that instead belongs to the wonderful Rick Riordan.  Until next time...

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