"Okay, I wanna throw a party for my friends and family but I want it to be a party they both can enjoy, ya know, things for them both to do." He said as I shook my head in agreement. "My friends like to smoke and drink and my family, you know like to run,play, dance and stuff. Can you give me something in between?"

"Sure can, but I need to know where you wanna have it at? Your house, a hall, outside. What you going for?" I said as I grabbed my party planning book and pen out my purse and sat them on my lap. I uncapped the pen and waited for him to answer me.

"Definitely not my house, Chyna a kill me"He said Chuckling "How about a hall"

"Okay cool. What city is this taking place in?" I asked as finished writing down the hall.

"That's the thing, I'm throwing it in Miami" He said looking at me unsure. "Could you come to Miami? I'd pay for your plane,your hotel. I'd pay for everything" He said looking at me.

"That'll be great, I was moving back to Miami in a couple weeks anyway" I said smiling.

"Oh you used to live in Miami?" He asked as I shook my head yes. "Why you move out here?" He asked looking confused.

"My boyfriend went to jail and there was no reason staying in Miami."

"Why you going back?"

"To spend my 33rd birthday with my family and friends back home" I said smiling.

"Oh, you don't look 32" He said smiling "But then again, you don't look like the type to mess with rough necks" He said Chuckling.

"He went to jail because of me, I was 15 and he was 18. He wasn't no rough neck, but no good boy either" I said returning the laugh "And how old do I look?" I questioned laughing even harder.

"Nooo that was a compliment. You look at least early twenties or middle twenties." He said laughing.

"Mhm, but back to this party" I said as our laughing whined down.

"Okay so we can have like a little part sectioned off for your friends, like a little tent or whatever so they can still smoke and drink. On the outside of the tent could be the family part or what ever, where they can dance to the DJ and run around the hall and play or what not. The dance floor would be next to the DJ and the friend area would be far away from everybody but not to far that you cant look out and see the kids laughing and dancing. We can get a see through, closed in tent so that y'all can see out but the smoke doesn't get out, you know like glass or plastic, hard plastic in this case since you're around kids" I said as I wrote it out on my paper, Tyga looked at me like he was fascinated, he didn't say nothing so I continued.

"Inside the tent we could have coolers filled with ice, wine coolers and or little alcoholic beverages because to me you don't want no one getting completely wasted around children, but that's just me, we can do what ever you want. There could be cigars, black'n mild's and or cigarettes. Now I can provide the cigars, black'n mild's and or cigarettes but if you want marijuana you have to provide that yourself, I am not allowed to do so." I said looking up at Tyga.

"The lord has truly blessed you, that's exactly what I wanted." He said smiling. "Now, as far as food goes?"

"Well, we could go through my job and use there cantering company or I could give you a list of cantering companies I've used at previous events." I said as I stopped writing.

"Is your job catering company any good?"

"Well, It depends on what type of food you want. If you want steak, green bean caesural and all that other decretive food then, yes they are. If you want my kinda food like fried chicken, ribs, mac & cheese, collard greens, ham, etc. Then no, they would not be the best choice if you want it done right." I said looking at Tyga as he started to laugh.

Mr. & Mrs. Westbrook (Jailbait sequel)Where stories live. Discover now