The Welsh Scaleback

Start from the beginning

“Oh come on, he’s jealous of you and Cedric. Everyone thinks you’re an item now with him.” Shona said as a matter of factly voice. Lucy looked at her, but knew it was the truth. Any other subject apart from dragons was good enough.

“So Fred is jealous, Cedric likes me and I have a dragon to contend with to show my two boys what I’m made of? Oh god” she mumbled and wiped her face. Suddenly Shona disappeared as a woman walked in, Shona running away as flashes went off

“Oh darling! Splendid shot of the McGuire kid! Well and that if the girl dies...” Rita muttered as she flung the tent face out of her way, a cameraman following and her quick quotes quill jotting away

“Oh anyone for an interview? How about you Lucky Snape? How do feel about this impossible task? All the risks? Do you think your daddy will miss you if - ”

“Get out,” Krum demanded. Rita stared.

“I’m sorry?”

“This is a tent for hero’s, not for liars” he reported, Skeeter snorting in disgust. Dumbledore entered along with Barty Crouch, Rita shuffling away

“Now, champions! You must choose which dragon you will face! Put your hand in the bag and choose wisely” Dumbledore said as Crouch held out a black leather bag. After everyone chose his or her dragon, Harry getting one of the more serious, Lucy was next up

“Be careful, Miss Snape” Barty warned. As Lucy poked her hand in, heat overwhelmed her. She winced as she felt tiny prickles stretch over her hand. She pulled the dragon up and waited to see what it was. It couldn’t have been worse

“The Welsh Scaleback” Crouch seemed to throw up the words. Lucy didn’t know what to say.

“Ur” she muttered as the two teachers swept off. Cedric seemed to be in near tears, the other contestant’s shuffling nervously.

“Out of all of the dragons, you chose that” Rita snorted “she’s dead for sure” she whispered to the cameraman, who nodded grimly.

“Cedric, what’s a Welsh Scaleback?” she pondered. Cedric clenched his teeth

“It’s…It’s the most dangerous British dragon ever recorded. Most of those muggle fairy tales are about them, they love to eat people… It’s said its nearly impossible to kill, since the scales are so robust”

Lucy’s mouth dropped open, she was going to die.

For the next half an hour, two of the five contestants had battled their dragon. Lucy wasn’t told who had won, she was feeling queasy and was staying in her bed made compartment and keeping away from Rita Skeeter. She heard a rustle and looked up quickly, expecting to see Shona, but it was Snape.

“Hello, Lucy” he tried to smile, but that was impossible. Lucy smiled weakly

“How’s it going?” Lucy questioned

“Fine” he muttered and stepped through.

“You shouldn’t be here”

“Nor should have McGuire,” he said back “so what dragon did you get?”

Lucy stood in front of her dad and tried to look confident

“The Welsh Scaleback”

Snape’s face dropped like an avalanche. His fake smile was no more; he didn’t even try to hide any disbelief or sadness. Snape, for once, had tears in his eyes.

“Oh god, Lucy” was all escaped his quivering lips, and enclosed her in the tightest, bittersweet hug she had ever had. It was as if he was unwilling to let her go, as if he didn’t let go somehow the dragon would back away. But Snape’s brain was crying. He was going to loose his daughter.

Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now