" First floor is where the bedrooms are, you guys should probably go pick them out before everybody else gets here." I nodded my head towards the stair case. Issac bolted up the stairs to the rooms and Derek just stomped up behind him.

       Everyone piled into the living room as Derek and Issac came back down from unpacking their things. I took a seat on my window seat and watched everyone shift around awkwardly and making small talk. I am having some second thoughts about them moving in, all the Nightshades are uncomfortable and so are the werewolves. I glanced at Riley who was sitting on the love seat with Kathrine glaring at all the werewolves like they were a piece of meat. Boyd glared right back, I could see his canines start to grow. I quickly got up and walked over to Riley placing my hand on his shoulder, letting a warning growl rumble in my chest. 

Riley turned his glare to me, but didn't keep it there long not wanting to challenge me. He was with the Bloodshade pack with Emmett, Brittney, Tyler, Olivia, Zack and I so he knows how deadly I can be when I'm challenged. My alpha instincts take over and I can lose control very easily. Just before we graduated from high school Kathrine and I got into a deadly fight and I nearly killed her. Emmett and surprisingly Brian both had to work together to rip me off of her and hold me back. Since then Brian has always had an eye out for me. 

" Who is the Kanima?" Derek demanded. All of our heads snapped to the front of the room at Derek who was getting into Scott's face. I watched intently. Scott glared at him and took a step forward. 

"  I think you already know."  Scott accused. Derek glared at him and let out a sigh, backing off. 

" Jackson." Derek said through gritted teeth. 

" And you knew the whole time. Right when Lydia walked out of Scott's house." Stiles sounded outraged and annoyed. Derek nodded, his teeth clenched then unclenched. 

" Don't kill him." Scott demanded taking a step towards  Derek. 

" I can't let him live! He's killing people Scott! Don't you get that?! It is the only thing to do." Derek yelled angrily. 

" Please! Just let us try to figure out a way to save him first! That is the deal we made with the Nightshades, nobody kill him until we know for sure we can't save him." Scott practically begged. Derek let out a growl. 

" Whatever." Derek snapped. He walked over to the far wall and crossed his arms over his chest looking pissed. Emmett cleared his throat. 

" It's late, we're all tired. Let's just call it a night." Emmett suggested. He looked at all the Nightshades and nodded his head toward the stairs. Everyone stood and made their way upstairs, but Emmett, Tyler, Derek , Scott, Stiles and I. Scott and Stiles started making their way towards the front door. As soon as they left, I turned and started making my way up the stairs. I could hear the others following close behind. I turned into the left hall and made my way towards my door. 

As I past the door in front of mine I could smell Derek's scent lingering. Oh, just how wonderful. Derek has that room, what a coincidence. I looked back behind me and saw Derek coming down the hall. I got to get out of here, I just need some nice quietness without someone staring me down. As I opened my door a cringed at the sound of my brother's booming voice. 

" Hey, Sky wait!" Emmett jogged down the hall past Derek who stopped at his door and watched us intently. 

" What?" I snapped, I little too harshly. Emmett walked up close leaning into my ear, I could see Derek stiffen behind him. " You think you'll be okay tonight?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. I paled and looked at the ground. I probably will only get a couple of hours of sleep anyway, maybe I'll just stay awake all night. I don't want to startle anyone with my night terrors. I usually wake up sweating and out of breath, but recently I've been screaming myself awake. I hate it! I hate the fact that I can't sleep, but also I hate that it makes me look weak and vulnerable. 

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