Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*Stiles P.O.V.*

The door to the basement opened and Derek appeared, frantically running down the steps.

"Stiles?!" he yelled, looking around the opposite side of the basement.

"Over here," I barely got out. I was so exhausted, it seemed like days since my call with Derek. He sauntered over to me, his grey eyes filled with disappointment and sadness. As he got closer, my heart started to skip a beat. He knelt down and brushed his fingertips against my bruised cheek before dropping his hand to his side and standing, going back to his normal, hard expression.

"This is all my fault," he said, turning around and just standing in front of me.

"Well if we're gonna play the blame game, can you at least unchain my ankle, because this isn't the most comfy position I have ever been in," I smile, giggling a little bit. Man, I was out of it. I heard a soft chuckle and Derek knelt beside me with a smirk on his face.

"Derek Hale? Smiling? Man how long was I out?" I said, leaning my head against the wall. I earned another small chuckle from him as he easily ripped the chain off my ankle. "Thanks," I muttered.

Derek stood up and walked to the bottom of the stairs.

"Are you coming?" he turned to me and asked in an annoyed tone. I got up and walked slowly to the stairs. By the time I got to the top, I could already hear commotion in the kitchen. I walked in to see Derek standing at the sink, hands planted on the edge of the counter, just looking into the soapy water.

"I should probably-"

"You're staying here until you get enough energy to drive." Derek interrupted me. We both stood there in silence for what seemed like hours before Derek broke the silence.

"They could have killed you," his voice was soft and delicate like a child's, and his vice faulted at the end. It kind of took me by surprise, but I figured it wasn't the best time to make a joke.

"Yeah, but they didn't, you saved me. They're not a problem anymore." I said, trying to be as genuine as possible as I stepped beside him and looked up at his strangely soft expression. I'm not sure I could get used to this.

"This was just a warning. They can come back and they will come back." He replied as he left the kitchen and headed upstairs. I followed him into what I believed was his room

"Even if they do come back, I know that you can protect your pack" I said to reassure him as he sat on the edge of the bed. It was weird seeing the softer side of him. To be honest, I kind of missed the brooding hot-head. I sat beside him as he responded.

"It's not the pack that they want, they aren't trying to make themselves stronger." he said, staring at the ground.

"Then, what are they trying to do?" I questioned. If the didn't want the pack, why would they take me? I was just 140 pounds of bones and bad jokes, they could've at least gone for someone a little stronger.

"They're trying to get to me. make me weaker," he said, piercing my eyes with his shining grey ones.

"If they're trying to get to you, why would they take me?" I said, not able to avert my eyes from his. Derek hated me, did the not realize? They really were bad at this whole 'sabotage' thing. He only responded with a sympathetic look in his eyes.

"I'll explain more tomorrow, but you need to sleep," he said changing back to his hard exterior. "I'll sleep on the couch, you can have my room" he added as he headed to the door.

"Derek?" he turned around. "Thank you" I told him. Oddly enough, I meant it. He gave me a quick smile before he headed down the stairs. I kinda liked soft Derek.

*Derek's P.O.V*

I wasn't able to sleep knowing that he was upstairs, resting peacefully. I ended up sitting on the couch, thinking about how to protect that perfect, brown eyed boy. They way his perfect pink lips curve, the moles and freckles that speckled his face down to his neck-

All of a sudden I heard a scream coming from my room. I ran up the stairs to find stiles sitting straight up, screaming. Even though his eyes were wide open, I knew that he was still asleep. I rushed to his side, and wrapped his body up with my own.

"Shhhh Stiles, come back to me, come on baby" I whispered into his ear while I rocked him back and forth. He eventually woke up, sobbing in my arms.

"Derek" he whimpered in my arms between sobs, causing me to hug him tighter.

I laid him down, his body still pressed against mine, our arms wrapped around each other.

"Derek, please don't leave me" he whispered once he calmed down a little bit. He was still sniffling and breathing heavy even though his heart rate has slowed.

"I'll stay here, Stiles. i'll always be here."

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