I shook my head.

"No, you weren't. You were just going to wait it out until we were both in an even bigger mess, don't deny it Chelsea. You're forgetting about us, we're nerds for goodness sake. Remember our vow, to never be like them? You screwed that up big time!"

"I know, Ally I'm so sorry!"

"I swear Chelsea, if you keep one more secret from me this friendship is over. You were the only person I could trust Chelsea and now I can't even trust you, my best friend." I said, my anger reaching it's highest. "You're letting out friendship falling apart and I'm on the verge of just giving it up and surviving by myself."

"You can trust me! You can! It was a stupid mistake, I promise I'll do anything!" She pleaded, dropping down beside me.

"Trust needs to be earned Chelsea. I'm serious, you better not step out of line."

"Y-You forgive me?" 

Her green eyes reached mine, filled with tears and hurt.

"What you did will make me see you in a whole different light. I'm holding this against you until you prove I can trust you. I'm tired of being hurt Chels."

I found my voice cracking and stared at the ground, the pain in the back of my head hitting me harder each second.

"I'm sorry."

I didn't reply. Before I knew it I had dozed off again, slowly feeling Chelsea leave my side and the door shut gently behind her.


I was more than surprised to wake up to a full group of people.

Daniel Hayes, Ethan Drake, Harvey, Tate, Chelsea, two other girls that stood firmly by the exit. Harvey held a cheap phone in his hand.

"Now you're up, it's time to make phone calls home."

My heart beat increased at his words, he couldn't be serious.

"W-What?" I asked, pushing the covers of the bed back to reveal a light blue hospital gown.

I stared at myself in the mirror next to the door to see a blood stained bandage wrapped around my head and a bruised face.

I reached up to touch it and winced.

Harvey stared at me motionlessly, holding out the phone.

"Call home, tell them you're safe and fine and all that stuff. Just don't make them worry ,and say you can't tell them where you are. It doesn't matter what they thinks afterwards they just want to know you're alive at this point. Same for you Chelsea."

Chelsea took the phone first and met my gaze, panic filled her green eyes as she shakily typed in the number.

"Loudspeaker." Ethan added.

She pressed a button and waited as the phone rang.

The tension in the room was thick and I felt my own heart beat increase. My throat became dry and my palms started sweating.


I sighed when I recognized Chelsea's Mom's voice.


There was a long pause.

"Oh my gosh, Chelsea is this really you?" 

"It's me Mom. I just wanted to tell you that I'm safe and fine where I am, I'll be home before you know it there's just some stuff I need to do here."

"Are they making you say this? Are you being forced against your own will? Speak to me honey, I'm so scared." 

Chelsea's Mom sobbed and I bit my lip to stop myself from crying.

The Nerds And The Gang Leaders.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon