He pulled my body towards his, wrapping his arms around my stomach region.

I turned my head and he kissed me. Our lips were moving perfectly. He moved his way down to my neck. After awhile I felt uncomfortable, so I moved his face back up to mine. He pulled me on top of him, and kissed my forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We kissed for like a little longer, and I started to roll back over to my original spot, on his side.

He pulled me back so that I was still on top of him.

"You can sleep here, it's fine."

"Am I hurting you? I'm kinda heavy after awhile."

"Psh, no you are not. You are fine."

He wrapped his arms around my lower back, moving his hand up and down my back, soothing me.

"Well, good night Peter."

I put my head into the crevice of his neck. I gave him little kisses on his neck.

"Good night, love."

He kissed the top of my head.

I then fell asleep in the safety of his arms.

*Peter's POV*

I woke up first, she must have slept pretty comfortably because it looked like she didn't move.

I looked down at her sleeping. Man, is she the most beautiful girl I have seen.

I didn't want to move to wake her, I mean, she hasn't slept pretty well recently. I think everything that has happened recently has affected her a little. I still haven't told her about Mike or that my magic is slowly draining me out. That's why I asked her to marry me, just incase my new plan doesn't work. I need to find some humans who can bring me a boy, a boy named Henry.

*Jackie POV*

I fluttered my eyes open and looked up at Peter.

"Good morning, Sunshine." He said. He kissed my forehead.

I rolled over, so that I was resting on his side, my hand stroking his chest.

"So what do you want to do today, baby?" I asked him.

"Whatever you want."

I wished that we have a tv and tons of DVDs in our room.

"What is that?" he looked confused.

"You really don't know?" I looked at him.

"Nope." he said.

"We are going to watch movies. They are like stories, but put onto a screen. Just watch, you will see."

I put in a Jackie Chan movie, so that he could see who were were talking about.

During the movie, I looked at him. He was sitting straight up, looking really into it. I grabbed my camera and snapped a pic.

"Hey!" he smiled and started tickling me.

"Stop! stop! I can't take it!" I laughed he eventually stopped and got back into the movie.

When it was done, he grabbed me.

"Put another one in! This is really cool!"

"Okay, easy, I will." I grabbed a disk and smiled.

It was the Disney cartoon of Peter Pan.

I giggled and put it in. I told him I close his eyes so that he couldn't see the title screen.

I climbed back into the bed and fast forwarded it to the part where Peter comes in.

I told him to open his eyes. He looked at the screen.

Wendy said, "But Peter, how will we get to Neverland?"

"Fly, of course."

I laughed and looked at Peter.

He was so confused.

"What is this crap?" he smirked.

"It's you, in cartoon version!"

"This is not how the story goes." he chuckled a little.

"I know, but this is how everyone thinks it goes, that at first you are with Wendy, you defeat the Pirates, and then you take her back. She grows up, and then you take her daughter Jane with you." I giggled.

"How many movies do they have like this?" he asked.

"A lot, they even have a real life action movie of you and then a musical."

"No way..." he said

"Yeah, but for some reason, in the musical, Peter Pan is always played by a female."

"Well that's weird." he laughed, "I am definitely not a girl." He chuckled.

"If you were, I would be concerned." I laughed.

We watched a lot of Disney movies that day. It was funny to see his reactions.

We spent many days watching different genres of movies.

It has been about 3 months since we have been engaged.

Peter went to go get some fresh produce from around the island for our breakfast.

Yeah, yeah, I know I could just wish it but Peter said that we should learn how to do things on our own. I agreed because I mean, that is a normal way to live.

Peter ran into the tent, looking a little out of breath.

"What's wrong-"

"The lost boys are back!"

I got excited.


"C'mon, lets go!"

He grabbed my hand and we ran to the beach.

She was Lost, but He Found Her (Peter Pan OUAT) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now