Part 4

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As for Hoseok...boy did the guys have things to say about him. He was the incarnation of optimism. If optimism had a name, it would be Hoseok. The boys kept explaining how Hoseok was the most empathetic and cheerful person in the group. He was quite the emotional guy.

Unfortunately, it was getting late, and you and Karen had to leave. As you guys were exchanging goodbyes and polite bows to one another you couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes watch your every move.

"HEY! Why don't we all exchange numbers?" Tae asked excitedly

"That's a good idea Tae" added Karen

You glared at her because you knew that the only reason why she did that was so Hoseok could get your number. Before you could do or say anything, you had guys lining up to ask for your number...quite literally. Tae was first, Jimin, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Jungkook, and last but most definitely not least, Hoseok.

"I hope we'll see each other soon" said Hoseok

And with a polite smile and nod, you and Karen left.

Ever since the party, you had been hanging around with the boys. Your life was starting to become a bit more bearable. You weren't focused on how much of a failure you thought you were, you weren't thinking about how horrible you felt, and for once there was a time during the day when you weren't thinking as to how depressed you were. As time went by, you and Hoseok got closer. There was something about him in which you felt comfortable around him. There was no mask to put on, no shadow to hide in, You could be you. However, this wasn't going to last for a long time. Things come to an end, and unfortunately the end of things were near.

Thanksgiving is approaching. By this time, you and Hoseok have been talking often. He was your outlet for when you were feeling stressful, and with finals approaching, you saw him more and more instead of the group as a whole. Although you would still talk and hang around with the group, it wasn't as often as it was with Hoseok.

You found out that he has an older sister the he absolutely adores. You tell him that you have an older sister as well, but you are unlucky to have a sister who doesn't talk much with your family anymore. Ever since the accident she has blamed your mother. Why? You don't know. But apparently your sister always had bad blood with your mother. The accident was just the tipping point. While you were out of the house and dorming at college, your father turned into an alcoholic and started expressing his anger towards your mother. Your life was starting to crumble from the very core. This year's thanksgiving was going to be the tipping point for you, you just didn't know it yet.

"So any plans?" Hoseok asked

"Just visit my family. Things have been a little rocky with my mom and sister. I just hope things are getting better with my mom and dad."

"I'm sure everything is ok."

Hoseok rubs his arm up and down yours in effort to provide comfort. While you feel slightly better, you couldn't help but feel a lingering emotion between the two of you. While it was clear that Hoseok had his eyes on you since the party, it took you a while to warm up to him. You were the kind of person to befriend the guy before you dated him. Especially since your last boyfriend was when you were 10 years old, and the only thing you guys ever did was held hands. You hadn't even had your first kiss yet.

You were starting to get a little nervous.

"Ahem...I think i'm just gonna go pack for the break. I don't want to pack last minute, I usually don't like doing things last minute. They stress me out." You broke the silence

As you walked away, you mentally kicked yourself as to how awkward you got and how you began to babble.

Thanksgiving Day. Today was a colder day than usual. It hasn't been this cold in your hometown for almost a decade. While the weather anchor continued to explain how this was going to be the coldest day of the fall season, you couldn't help the freezing temperature inside your own home. The level of hostility made it worse. Normally you don't feel hostile until your grandmother walks in through the door and greets everyone with a critique. This years critique was how big you had gotten, not tall...big. Apparently when she was your age she didn't weigh no more than 110 pounds, even though you weighed 150 pounds. 'Way to go to make me feel worse about myself grandma' you thought.

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