"They all went to the lake and then they said that they'd light a fire so we can sit around and do whatever. Now come here." The man whined playfully, making Rin smile and slowly crawl closer to him. She climbed on his lap, straddling his hips. His arms slowly wrapped around her waist, bringing them close, refusing to let any inch untouched while he captured her lips. His hands moved slowly higher, pulling on the lace of her swimsuit freeing her chest. He peeled the piece of garment off her head and went back to kissing her, pressing her on him so her breasts were flush against him.

"We-we shouldn't do this he--"

"Sh." The man mumbled against Rin's lips, slipping his hand between her legs, pushing the bottom of her underwear aside. He pressed a finger inside and kissed her again, drowning all the moans she was about to voice. The kiss was heated, Ruki's tongue exploring her mouth, that still tasted like yakisoba and pushed another finger inside. That was how their life went. After every chance they got to relax, they'd mold into one another, pushing all their stress and anxiety aside. It was their very sweet moment, either slow or hard, they showed their feelings for each other. Pulling his fingers out of her, Ruki pushed his swimsuit low and entered her without hesitation. Rin whined, trying to suppress her moans as the usual feeling of pleasure consumed her once more. It didn't take long for them to get lost in their own little world.


 It's been half an hour since the couple left the bath, feeling refreshed and relaxed. They were dressed in plain and comfortable clothes, walking side by side as they joined their friends outside. They sat in a circle, close to the fire; Uruha and Aoi both holding up guitars as they strummed aimlessly for a while. 

"Let's entertain ourselves a little." Aoi smiled and started playing Reila; his fingers expertly moving over the chords. It didn't take long for Uruha to join him with Ruki quietly humming the lyrics. Reita and Kai were mumbling as well, but were mostly concentrated on the sausages they had pierced through some sticks and brought them over the fire.

Five songs later and a few bottles of wine they were giggling and laughing, leaves sticking on their hair making them start another fit of laughter.

"Oh my god, I haven't had so much fun in a long time." Reita breathed, laying on his back. The sky was clear, stars sprawled over the dark cloak. Uruha nodded even though no one could see him.

"We should do this once or twice a year." Kai smiled, warming his hands in the fire. It was getting late and chilly outside. They really wanted to put out the fire and go back inside to sleep, but they were a little wasted and bored to drag their feet inside the warm house. 

"It's really nice during winter. It usually snows really hard and the lake turns into ice that you can even skate on it." Rin mumbled, half asleep, as her head was resting on Ruki's shoulder, his arm around her waist to keep her supported.

"We'll just have to enjoy these days and when winter comes, we'll see what we can do." Kai mumbled, his shaky legs, barely supporting his weight. He put the fire off and with a lot of struggling, helped everyone on their feet. Upon seeing her sleepy statement, Ruki slipped his hands under her legs and neck, carrying her back to their room. He slowly laid her down on the futon and turned the light off. He slowly stumbled back where Rin was laying and joined her, throwing the thin blankets over their bodies slowly. The girl rolled over and peaked her eyes open, smiling lazily at him.

"Hey, go to sleep." Ruki mumbled and pushed some stray strands of hair away from her face.

"I love you." Rin whispered, covering his lips with hers. The man wrapped his arms around her waist, dragging her close as they kissed slowly; intimately. "You make me so happy." Rin breathed again, trying to regain her breathing pattern.

"And this is just the beginning."

And Rin believed him. It was beginning of a wonderful relationship. That would definitely have its ups and downs; fights, sweet moments but mostly love. And in that moment they both knew that this time, their relationship would have to go through a lot but they would make it. They would make this work out somehow. 



A/N: I don't know how to feel that this story is officially over..

I was really excited about writing it and it feels like yesterday since I updated the Prologue (not really but I just want to ease my feelings a little xD)

Anyhow, I want to thank all of my faithful readers, who put up with my late updates and possibly mistakes here and there since I was so happy about updating that I never edited my chapters xD

The next story will be about Kai-san! Or should I say more like a sequel? But it will probably take a while since I update the first chapter. I still haven't thought of everything so I guess there is more waiting if some of you want to read my next story ;~;

Anyway, I think that's all the blabber I had to do! Thank you all again for reading and supporting my fanfiction! I love you all!

Ps: The picture on the side is the house they went on holidays:D

Spread your Gazelove ~Kwneko

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