"Well, looks like we're going to have to find Tae first, then go to Jin, and then go to Yoongi."

"Hyung, but what's worse...waking up Yoongi or telling Jin?"

"Wait.." Namjoon said, "You guys are going to wake up Yoongi?!"


"Yeah...maybe go to Jin first and then wake up Yoongi. If we play this correctly, Jin will be upset about Jungkook having a girlfriend and will wake up Yoongi, and if Yoongi gets upset, then Jin will just put him back in his place."

"Alright. Let's go find Taehyung." Jimin said.

Because you guy's were now a group of four each of you had partners to talk to. Jimin and Namjoon were obviously looking around for Tae while talking. However, you couldn't help but feel how close Hoseok was getting to you. While you did feel a little awkward, it wasn't uncomfortable.

"So..." Hoseok started, "What are you studying?"

"Oh...well I haven't really fully decided. I do think I'm leaning more towards a dance major...even though some of my family doesn't agree."

Every since you were young, you dreamed of being in a ballet company. It was your ultimate goal to become a dancer. While dreams do change, dance was the only constant in your life. Luckily your mom was able to pay for some classes until you were 8. That was when your family was in a financial hiccup, so she had to stop paying. Which meant you could no longer attend. However, that didn't stop you. You had an older sister who always watched music videos. So although you stopped dancing to classical music, that meant a shift into hip hop and music with heavier beats. Even pop would suffice. Anything with a beat would get you to dance.

When middle school came around, you begged your parents to let you go to an Art's school. While your father and sister pushed for a science academy, your mom had the final word. Your wishes were fulfilled, and you got to attend an arts school for the next 3 awkward years of your life. The first year you were there your dance teacher insisted you attend an audition for a special weekend dance program. With some convincing, your father drove you to the audition. Luckily, due to your small background in ballet and your passion for dance you passed the auditions and made it into the program. This is where you got your background in modern dance. Although similar to contemporary and a cousin to ballet, modern dance was the new outlet for you to express your emotions.

"Really?! I'm studying dance too! Along with Jimin. But do you at least have support from one member of your family?"

Your mother was always your cheerleader. She supported everything you wanted to do, no matter the hurdles you had to jump. She was your everything. She IS your everything. You value her opinions, her wise advice, and just about everything she says. The fact that she supports you in wanting to pursue a career in dance just makes you feel like you can accomplish anything, no matter how difficult the process.

"I have my mom" you responded.

"Well there you go! One fan is better than none. Everyone always starts off with one fan, even the most famous of people. And what's better is now you have two fans, so now your guranteed more success!"

How can he be so optimistic about everything? Hoseok was the epitome of optimism. If there was any hint of doubt, Hoseok was the first to push it out of the way.

"Thanks." you couldn't help but blush.

The two of you continue to talk as you, Hoseok, Jimin, and Namjoon continue your search for Tae. The four of you scoured all over the house and found no traces of Tae whatsoever. The four of you decided to take a break, and head outside of the house for some nice cool air. As you stepped outside, a wave of cool refreshing air hit your face and body causing you to shiver slightly. While it was slightly cold, the air felt good in comparison to the hot, heavy, and humid atmosphere inside the house.

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