Chapter 12

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I was so nervous. What if he actually finds me? What if he hurts someone? What if he hurts Maddox? I don't know what I would do with myself.

I feel sparks on my skin as Maddox wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He brushes stray hairs away from my face and looks at me lovingly.

"Nothing is going to happen to you. I won't let anything ever happen to you." He whispers, gazing into my eyes.

"What about you?"

"I won't ever leave you alone. Nothing will happen to me either."

"He is always armed." I warn, knowing the destruction that Dylan can cause.

"Shorty, normal bullets don't kill us. Only silver ones, and you can't just buy those off the street. Please calm down for me. Do you want something to eat or drink?"

"Some water would be nice, but I don't want you to leave me." I whisper.

"What did I tell you? I won't ever leave you." He places a kiss on my forehead as Liv walks in with a glass of ice water.

"Thank you." I say to her, sitting up and taking the water from her. She hurried out of the room after giving me a sympathetic smile.

I can't believe this. I can't believe that he is out. He murdered my parents! Shouldn't that be 25 to life?!

"Short stuff, you need to calm down. I won't let him hurt you." Maddox runs his hands up and down my waist, trying to get me to relax, but I won't relax until he is either in jail again or dead.

"It's not me I'm worried about." I whisper, a lone tear dropping onto my cheek. Maddox wipes the tear off before repositioning us so that we are laying down, with me on top of him.

"You need to listen to me. Everyone here is highly trained. I have ordered everyone to stay indoors and especially to keep and eye on the women and children. The only people in this house right now are the guards, you, me and Liv. Liv is locked in her room which is impossible to enter, because it has three inch thick steel in the walls. All of the walls in this house do too. Also, a steel door can be released from the ceiling, which it has been and is behind the wooden door. This place is more secure than Fort Knox. I need you to trust me when I say that I won't let anything happen to anyone here." I nod, not knowing what else to say. I relax slightly, trying to go to sleep to get away from all of this.

I end up not being able to go to sleep, so I start drawing patterns on Maddox's chest with my left hand. I hear someone knock on the front door, and I start shaking with fear. Maddox wraps his arms gently around me, careful not to hurt my arm, but trying his best to comfort me.

"They got him short stuff." Maddox whispers to me.

"Tell them to watch out for others, he's usually never alone." I say through my tears.

"They have five people, do you think he will have anymore?"

"No that should be it. Did they get all of their guns and knives off of them?" I can barely even understand myself because I'm talking into his chest, but Maddox understands me perfectly.

"Yes. Now relax. They are taking them to cells. The two guards are still outside of this room. I am going to have Trevor and Allen come in and look after you for about a half an hour. You don't care what happens to any of them, right?"

"If a guy named Tony is there, then yes. Tony was always nice to me. He never really belonged in the gang anyway."

"I will spare Tony, but he will remain in the cells."

"I guess I can deal with that for now."

"We will discuss it later. I love you."

"Please be safe." I say, he gingerly slides me off of him and onto my side of the bed. He kisses my forehead, lingering for a moment, before swiftly leaving ready to kill Dylan and his friends.

Trevor and Allen come in the room right after Maddox leaves. They sit on the bed on either side of me and wrap their arm that is closest to me.

I start crying - no, bawling. I can't believe that it's finally over. I don't have to live in constant fear of him anymore. I always feared that he would find me, rape me, and kill me.

"Peyton, why are you crying?" Trevor asks. "You're making Maddox worried."

"I-I'm crying be-because now he won't r-r-rape me or kill m-me," I struggle to get out between the sobs.

"So you're crying because you are relieved?" Allan asks.

"You guys are stupid. Move," Liv says, shooting them off the bed. She up sits with her back on the headboard, and I lay down in her lap. She runs her fingers through my hair and rubs my back to try and get me to calm down, but it's not working.

"Guys, we all know the only way she is going to calm down is if Maddox is here," Liv says, almost defeated.

"He's only been there for like five minutes. If he leaves now, he may be too pissed and accidentally scare her," Allan says.

"J-just let him finish and tell him to hurry back," I sob. "I wish I could talk to him like you guys do." I am now crying because I'm different from them. I'm always going to be dependent on Maddox, and that is something that I never have wanted. I have always been an independent person, and now I have to even depend on other people to talk to my stupid boyfriend.

"What's wrong? Your crying changed?" Liv asks.

"I-I-I'm dependent."

"Peyton, what are you talking about?"

"I can't even talk to him. I have to ask you guys to do it. I can't do anything without him. I am nothing without him, and I hate it. I'm independent. I've always been independent, and he's making me dependent. I can't even move my damn arm, and it's all his damn fault."

"Peyton, shhh. I know it's hard right now, and we all wish you wouldn't have been attacked. I know that you are used to being independent, but Maddox will always be there for you and with you. You need to fully let him into your heart. He will not hurt you. He cannot hurt you without hurting himself. Also, whenever you guys do mate, one of the perks is that you will be able to mind link him, so at least that part will be sorted."

"Liv, how are you so smart?" I ask, looking up at her through my teary eyes.

"It just happens," she smiles. "Now, try to get some rest, and I will wake you when he gets back."

I close my eyes and let the exhaustion take over my body.

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