Chapter 8

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I see Maddox's sister walking down the hall towards us. She gasps and then comes running. She shoves Trevor out of the way and then smacks Maddox across the face.

"What the hell did you do?!" Her voice is demanding an answer from him.

I am so socked that I can't move. "Damn! I accidentally scared her, then got her ice cream and now she's fine." He says, glaring at his sister.

"Oh, well then. My name is Olivia, but you can call me Liv." She says, turning to look at me with a huge smile on her face. I am very freaked out by her actions, and still am in shock.

"This is Peyton. Now can you please just get your brush and go?" He asks, as nice as he can. She humphs, but walks away from us.

I relax greatly after she is gone. Trevor follows in her footsteps, leaving Maddox and I alone again.

"Why are you scared of gangs?" He asks softly after a few moments.

"Who isn't?" I answer, my voice an octave higher, so he can obviously tell that I'm lying.

"I guess I understand." He says lowly. "For now." He mutters, thinking I can't hear him.

It's just to soon. I don't even know if I can fully trust him.

"When are we gonna leave for poker?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Probably in like two hours."

"You go back with the guys I'm going to go borrow some of your sisters things." I walk away from him, leaving him there, and head to Olivia's room.

I knock softly on the door and she calls for me to enter.

"Hey, Liv. I was wondering if I could borrow a straightener or a wand and some clothes. I'm going to go play poker with your brother tonight."

"Wait, you're going to play poker with them?" She asks, looking up from her phone.


"You must be something special. He never has girls over and certainly doesn't take them to play poker." She stands up, shakes her head and continues to talk. "If you sit here I will help you get ready."

I sit down in the chair that she pointed to and she goes to work, curling my hair, putting on makeup and picking out a short, tight dress and high heels.

"I really don't feel comfortable in a tight dress."

"You will look hot! And none of the guys will be able to concentrate, then you will win all of their money. Plus Maddox will love it."

"I still don't know."

"Wear it for me then." She pleads.

"Fine."  I take the slutty dress from her and change right in front of her. I honestly didn't care. We both have the same parts, so what's the big deal.

"Now put these on!" She squeaks, handing me five inch black heels. I sigh but put them on anyway, because I know she won't give up.

"Are you guys almost done we need to leave." Maddox says from the other side of the door. Liv walks over and opens the door, revealing my new look to him.

He stands there staring. His mouth is slightly open. I watch as his eyes travel up and down my body, but not making me feel uncomfortable. I look down his body and see that he is wearing a black dress shirt, with the top button undone, gray dress pants and a pair of black dress shoes.

He walks over to me and grabs my hand. He proceeds to lead me out of Liv's room and somewhere else.

We end up in his room, and he shuts the door behind us. "You have to listen to me." His hands are placed on the wall on each side of my head. It makes me feel slightly nervous, but safe because, for some reason, I know that he won't hurt me.

I gulp, nervous of what he may say. I nod my head and he continues. "You are beautiful - too beautiful. When we get there, the other guys are probably going to say a lot of sexual things to you. I want you to be my girlfriend. If they think you are my girlfriend, they won't say near the amount that they would if you said you weren't. Can you do this for me?"

I nod my head, understanding his meaning. He breathes a sigh of relief. He pushes back off of the wall and then starts rifling through his closet, looking for something. He pulls out his leather jacket, and he helps me put it on.

"You really do look very beautiful." He kisses my forehead, slipping his arm around my waist. He leads me out of his room, down the steps and to his car. He helps me in, putting on my seatbelt and shutting my door for me.

I am really nervous for tonight. If the only way to be safe is to pretend to be his girlfriend, then that's what I'm going to do. All I have to say is that he better not be like Dylan. If he is, I may die.

"You ready?" He asks, giving my hand a small squeeze. I nod my head and the motor begins to purr. I am very nervous about tonight. I don't know what is going to happen.

After what seems to be seconds, he is pulling into a parking lot. "We're here." He says, squeezing my hand. "Listen, I know that you are nervous, but you are gonna go in there and kick some ass. I will be there for you and make sure that things don't get to out of hand. These guys aren't really our friends, more of acquaintances. We just play poker with them, so don't be afraid to go in there and be your sassy self, okay?" His hand is on my cheek, forcing me to look at him. He kisses my nose and my forehead before getting out of the car.

He opens my door for me and holds a hand out to help me up. I unbuckle my seatbelt and take his hand. He helps me up, then attaches his arm to my waist again. The guys file in behind us, and we start walking towards the building.

There is a bouncer at the door and a line of people outside. How are we even going to get in there? The bouncer is checking I.D.'s. I'm not 21! I don't even have my I.D. on me!

"Clam down." He whispers in my ear, giving my temple a kiss. I take a deep breath as we walk up to the bouncer. He nods to Maddox and steps back to let us through.

"How did you do that?!" I whisper yell.

"It's magic short stuff." He winks down at me, making me stick my tongue out at him and narrow my eyes. Maddox continues to weave us through people until we get to another bouncer. They do another head nod, and we are let through into a quieter room.

"Mmmhh, someone brought a sexy piece of meat tonight." A guy says. I stop walking, but Maddox takes another step forward.

"That's enough Blake. She's my girlfriend, and she's gonna kick all of your asses." Maddox says.

"Dude you don't do girlfriends. I don't believe you." Another guy says.

Maddox turns to face me. "Just follow along." He whispers before putting his right hand on my cheek, his left hand on my hip and putting his lips on mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing back to the best of my abilities. I've never kissed anyone before, but I think I'm doing it right. I move my lips along with his, feeling butterflies rising in my stomach. If this is what kissing him feels like, then I never want to stop.

"Okay. We get it. Stop with the PDA." The guys who didn't believe him says. Maddox pulls away, leaving his forehead on mine.

"Thank you." He whispers before standing up straight.

"Let's get this party started!" Trevor yells, taking a seat. There are only two seats left. Allen takes one, and Maddox leads me towards the other. He pulls out a stack of cash, sits down first and then pulls me onto his lap. He hands me the cash and leans back in the chair, circling his arms around my waist.

"You not playin' tonight Maddox?" Blake asks.

"Nah. Peyton is playing for me."

"Okay. Get ready to loose all your money Maddox." He scoffs.

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