Chapter 1

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My name is Peyton, and before you assume that I am a male, I'm not. Yeah, I know I get it a lot. "Why are you named that? Are your parents stupid?" and much worse. I don't pay much attention to them though. I don't care about them, so why let their words hurt me. I am your typical nerd girl. I get good grades, don't have any friends, and I'm shy. There is a twist though, but you will have to figure that part out for yourself.

I was sitting in my first period Personal Finance class, waiting for the teacher to start. I'm not going to say start teaching because he doesn't teach. He pretty much lets us do whatever we want, except for the final project. We have to be married to a person for two months. This will be the worst two months of my life. I don't talk to anyone much, and now I have to be married to someone for two whole months, and my grade depends on it. Great. Just great.

"Alright, we're going to start the marriage project today! So I put all of the girls names in this bowl, and the guys are going to pick out a females name. That female will be your wife for the next two months, no exceptions." The teacher says, swirling around the papers in the bowl.

I am really dreading this. I don't want a partner. Let's face it, I'm never going to get married so, I don't need to do this project, right? Wrong. This project is 50% of our final grade.

"Maddox, you're up first." Maddox is a stero-typical 'bad boy'. He usually doesn't show up for class, doesn't do his work, and he only had two friends -- Trevor and Asher. They aren't as 'bad,' but they are up there. Maddox stands up, walks over to the bowl like he doesn't care, which he probably doesn't, and picks a name.

"Uh, teach, I think you made a mistake. Peyton is a boy." Maddox says, looking up at the teacher. Crap. Maddox is my husband for two months.

"There are two Peyton's in this class Maddox, and one of them is a girl." The teacher points to me. I usually sit in the middle on either the left or right side of every classroom. I don't like the front, because that's where all of the snobby smart people sit, and the back of the room, well let's just say that Maddox sits there. Maddox looks at me confused, but shrugs, and sits in the chair beside me.

"So, you're Peyton?" Maddox asks in a hushed tone, looking at me. I nod my head, because I don't really talk. "Not much of a talker?" He asks, smirking. "I bet I could get you to scream my name." He winks at me, but I roll my eyes at him.

"Alright, today you will fill out this sheet with your partner. After today, you will have to work on this outside of class." He passes out the paper to each group. I still can't believe that I have to do this. I just want to crawl in a hole and die. It's bad enough that I have to be married to someone for two months, but Maddox, seriously. I must have really pissed someone off.

"Are we going to do this paper, cause if not I'm out of here." Maddox looks at me. I nod at him, and he scrapes his chair closer to mine. I pick up my pen and write our names at the top of the page. I scan the page, and it is pretty much questions like, what kind of house, occupation, number of children, and other things like that.

"What do you want your occupation to be?" I say to him in a small voice.

"So you do talk?" He smirks, leaning back in his chair. I nod, wishing that he would just get back to the project. "Fine, I want to be a mechanic." As soon as he says that, my heart stops. Why, oh why. I really, seriously must have pissed someone off. I write down mechanic for his section. What do I want to be? Well I can't say what I actually want to do, so I'll go with interior designer. That sounds good enough.

"Interior designer? Huh. I could let you redesign my bed." I roll my eyes at him again. I have a feeling that there will be a lot more comments, similar to that one.

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