Chapter 3

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I am awoken from my comfortable sleep by my annoying alarm clock. I swear it will make me insane someday. I turn it off, not wanting to listen to its' annoying sound any longer. I look into the mirror and break out in laughter. My hair is sticking in every direction, and I look like I had a rough night. I get out of my warm, comfy bed and step onto the cold, hard floor. I pull on a random pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to rein it in. I pull my hair into a pony tail in the middle of my head to keep it out of the way. I walk across the hallway and brush my teeth. I return to my room, shove my math book in my book bag and head down the stairs.

School starts in 30 minutes. I know I seem like one of those nerds that NEEDS to get there early, but it's nice not to be late all the time. I lock the front door after me, because no one is home, and I sit on the front porch, waiting for someone to pick me up.

I wait ten minutes before I give up. I huff as I stand from my position. I hoist my back pack onto my back and start the fifteen minute walk to my school.

I don't even get to the end of the driveway, when three men on bikes pull in, stopping right in front of me.

You guessed right. It's Maddox, Trevor and Asher.

Maddox takes off his helmet and throws it to me. I roll my eyes at him, but put the helmet on anyway. He stands up, still straddling the bike, and I climb on behind him. I hold on the same way as I did yesterday, as much as I had to to not fall off. He chuckles at me, but turns the bike around and heads back onto the road.

We arrive at school about five minutes later. The ride was short and great, but now all of the girls are staring at me. I know that they like him, but they can't think that I like him or he likes me. Right? Because we are just husband and wife. Alright, well not like that. You know what I meant.

I let go of Maddox as soon as the bike comes to a stop. He stands up and swings his leg over the bike. He turns around and reached his hand out to help me. I slide forward, exiting on the opposite side of him. I take off his helmet, hand it to him, shoving it a little into his stomach, and I start to walk away.

"Hey! Hey, wait up! Short stuff!" Maddox yells, walking after me. I continue to ignore him, not wanting the attention. He catches up to me and pulls me back by my arm. "What's you're problem? I give you a ride to school and you don't even say thanks? You just walk away?"

"If you can't tell Maddox, I'm a nobody. I shouldn't be around you, partners in a class or not. Do you see the way that everyone is looking at me? That's why I never wanted to be seen in the first place. I couldn't be looked at like that again, but god forbid I try to do something for myself and keep my life to myself, because nosey people like you worm their way in and destroy everything. You're just like Dylan. I'm sorry that I didn't say thanks, but I didn't hear you ask me if I wanted a ride either, it was pretty much demanded." I stare right into his eyes as I say this is a quiet, but dead serious voice. I don't want anyone else to hear what I am saying, only him. He is the only one that needs to know.

I pull my arm out of his grip, and I continue to walk to my locker. I hide the tools in one of the front pockets, because I don't know when I'll get another chance to do it. I deposit some of my books and pick up others. I zip my bag back up, sling it over my shoulder and sit in my first period class.

The bell rings and guess who isn't here - Maddox. His friends are here, but he isn't. Coward, just like Dylan. I need to stay away from him, or else the same thing will probably happen again.

It's now the end of the day. I haven't seen Maddox anywhere all day, and I'm kind of glad. I don't know what he will say about what I said, but he needs to stay away. I can't let him get to me. I walk the few minutes from my school to my uncles garage. I work today, but none of the other high school kids do. I just want to keep this to myself. I don't need everyone knowing my business. I walk into the break room and grab my overhauls from my locker. I lock the door and change into some shorts and a tee shirt before pulling the overhauls on over them. I tie the arms at my waist and put a bandana in my hair. I unlock the door and head to Frank's office to see what he has in store for me today.

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