Christmas Special Part 1

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"There, all done. You're quite the fast healer aren't you Dougal?" Athena said as she finished tying up the bandage on the demiguise's leg. The demiguise nuzzled against Athena's hand before bounding away to its nearby tree.

It had been a month since they found the injured demiguise at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Demiguises are usually only found in the Far East. Their pelts, however, were highly sought out for since their hair can be spun into invisibility cloaks. Snatchers would take them from their homes and sell their pelts on the black market--luckily, Dougal's snatchers seemed to have lost him when they flew past the Hogwarts grounds. Newt and Athena found him shivering by the stream on their Forbidden Forest expeditions and had brought him back to Newt's suitcase. Dougal's leg was badly injured from the snatchers' traps and large chunks of his silky, silvery hair crudely shaved off.

Athena sighed as she packed up her satchel. Newt should've been here an hour ago; they had agreed to study for their exams together...seems like a lot can change in a month...

"Athena! I'm terribly sorry, I lost track of time!"

Athena whirled around to see Newt rushing down the staircase. When he looked up, Athena's anger melted away--how could she ever be angry at him when he looks at her so earnestly with those blue eyes of his? She gave a half-smile before turning around to clean up the work bench.

"It's alright, I fed them already and just finished changing Dougal's bandages. Where were you?"

"Leta needed help with her potions essay a-and you know, I couldn't just say no. Because you know, um, it wouldn't be good if our friend failed potions and uh-"

"And because you fancy her." Athena said curtly, throwing the old bandages into the rubbish bin.

"I-I...Oh Athena, you know I do. Don't tease me about it" Newt groaned as he moved to throw the remains of the chicken carcass away.

Athena's hands froze when she heard his words. Yes. She does know that Newt likes Leta, but that doesn't mean her heart will stop breaking a little each time they mention it. She took a deep breath before reaching up to put the jars away.

"Newt..." she began, "if you want to stay with Leta, just give me a heads up alright? You don't have to worry about me here by myself...just...tell me if you're not coming. Promise?"

She felt Newt still as he took in her words. She quickly turned around as she felt his gaze turning towards her.

"I promise...Thanks Athena, that means a lot to me. You really are the best friend anyone can ask for." Athena can hear the joy in his voice; she loved it and hated it at the same time. She turned around with a smile.

"Well what are best mates for?"


"You're not really gonna do it are you?"

"Of course I am! I don't know how Theseus managed to overpower my metamorphmagus abilities, but I am determined to get him back for turning my hair green for a whole week!" Neon green Newt, tell me, why in Merlin's beard did it have to be neon green? I'm definitely getting back at him over Christmas." Athena huffed. Theseus Scamander was Newt's older brother. He was a brilliant student in his Hogwart days and one of the youngest Aurors to be working in the Ministry. With his brilliance, however, he can also be quite mischievous.

"I can't wait for Christmas." Athena breathed out a puff of smoke as they stepped into the courtyard. They came out of the library just before it closed for the night. The sky was clear and abundant with twinkling stars, moonlight spilling across snow-white ground.

She couldn't wait to celebrate Christmas at the Scamander's. Her parents were still in America keeping the wizarding society under wraps and her older brother, Alex, was with them for an internship. Since the Scamander and Bellerose family were quite close, they often celebrated Christmas together.

"You really do love Christmas don't you?" Newt chuckled as he tucked Pickett away from the cold.

"Of course I do! I love the smell of the firewood crackling in the hearth, roasting chestnuts, making hot chocolate--"

"And snowball fights." Newt added in.

"Snowball fights indeed" Athena laughed. "But you know, what I love most about Christmas is that we get to spend it people we love. Athena sighed as she looked at the star-filled sky. It was then she noticed that Newt had gone quiet.

"Newt?" She asked softly, turning her head towards him. Newt looked up and Athena saw a look of...guilt? She gently shook his arm. "What's the matter? Are you feeling alright?"

"Athena...look I know you never got along with Leta that well--" Newt began.

"Oh don't worry about that, I know Leta and I never really saw eye-to-eye, but...I know you fancy her, so I'll try to keep it friendly between us in the new year alright?" Athena said as she smiled at Newt. Newt sighed in relief and looked up at the stars.

"That's good to hear. Leta is very nice once you get to know her. Maybe you guys will bond over Christmas break."

Athena's breath caught in her throat. Bond over Christmas break? What could he possibly mean by that?

"What I'm trying to say, Athena, is that Leta will be spending Christmas with us this year." Newt explained, turning his head carefully to observe Athena's reaction. What he didn't expect when he looked into her eyes, was to see her usually vibrant eyes dim slightly as his words sunk in.

But quick as a snitch, Athena turned her gaze to the Hogwarts floor that replaced the snow in the courtyard.

"Why?" She asked softly.

Newt sighed. "Her parents are having some troubles with the Ministry and she says she hates being in the manor alone." Athena continued looking at the ground as they walked. "Athena, I-I just felt really bad for her. I didn't want her to spend Christmas alone." Newt looked at Athena, waiting for her to look up so he can search for the sadness he thought he saw in her eyes; that look of betrayal--almost as if he broke her--

But to his surprise, Athena looked up at him with a smile before looking ahead as they got closer to the Ravenclaw dorm entrance.

"Of course, no one should spend Christmas alone. I'm sure it'll be lovely." Athena said before turning around to face Newt.

"Athena are you sure you're--" Newt started before he was interrupted by Athena giving him a hug.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired. Goodnight Salamander."

What Newt didn't know was that he truly did break a part of Athena's heart with his words. But she couldn't ever let him know that; if she truly loved him, she should let him be happy. 



I am so so so so so so soooooooo sorry about not updating. I've been very busy with school and stuff. Thank you for understanding and reading my story. <3 <3 <3

So this is the Christmas Special Part 1. (I know, super late, sorry!) I'm not sure when I'll have time to update Part 2 and the next chapter of the main story, but I'll try to do it ASAP!

Thanks again for reading. Please vote and comment! 

Happy (belated) New Years!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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