Day one

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A/n: This is my very first story and I will try my best to make it a good story. Leave a comment, I would like to know what you think about my first chapter and if you have tips, I would love to read them so my story can get better. If you have some suggestions you can also add that in your comment, then I know what you like so what I should write about more. Have fun while reading it! 😘 (I'm sorry the beginning will be quite boring 😅)

She woke up at 7:00 am, yup, it was time for school again... Why did her alarm clock had to wake her up this early? Why did the holidays always pass by so fast? Why couldn't she just stay in bed all day? She didn't want to start a new a year of school... But exactly when she turned of that stupid annoying alarm clock, she heard a voice "Tari? Are you up?" It was her mom. "Yes, sadly I am" she answered, still tired. Tarja sighed and thought 'Now that I'm already awake, let's get ready for school, I wonder who those new teachers are, I don't recognize their names.' She recognized only a few, because those she knew, were the teachers she had last year. She went to her mirror to put on some make-up. Once she was done with her make-up, hair and nails, she was ready to go downstairs. Getting herself some food and something to drink and ofcourse her stupid books... "Bye mom!" She said and walked into the yard, to get her bicycle so she could go to school.

Once she was at school, she went to the place that she and her friends always were. Yes, they had their own spot in the aula, there were just a few groups who had their own spot, somewhere on the stairs is where you always could find a group of boys. She was the only one of her friends who was at school already, it was early so she just got her phone and posted something on her fanpage on instagram. She had a fanpage for Sonata Arctica, she had loved them since she knew them, kinda love at first sight, or even better: Love at first sound! She followed every other fanpage of them and finally decided to make one on her own. A few minutes later, some of her friends had arrived. "Hey, finally you are here!" Tarja said. "Why are you always at school this early?" Her friend asked laughing and with a questioning look. Later everyone of their group arrived and the school bell rang so they went to class, they weren't all in the same class sadly but everyone was together with at least one friend. They weren't really the popular group but they also weren't the nerds either. They were quiet in class but if they weren't, they were always laughing and sometimes people stared at them with a questioning look and you could see that they were annoyed because of the laughing girls. Sometimes the others were laughing and screaming and it was oh so funny but when Tarja looked at them like they did to them, they looked at her as if she shouldn't be looking and a bit angry. But now it was a new year in school and they had a different class, and also new teachers. Tarja and her friend Saara's first class of today was English. They had a new teacher. His name was Mr. Holopainen, he had black hair, blue eyes and he looked pretty young. Tarja didn't like to admit but he was cute. Saara elbowed her and whispered exactly what Tarja was thinking. "He's quite cute don't you think?" She asked while looking at him with a smirk. And Tarja didn't know what to answer because she didn't want her to know that she did think that he's cute and she might think she likes him and she didn't want that. Mr. Holopainen wanted to start but everyone was making noise and they didn't hear him. "Could I please have your attention please" he asked again but this time a little different, not really angry but kind of like he wanted to hypnotize them. Suddenly everyone was silent and looked at him, a little bit in shock because they didn't know why had they suddenly been so silent when he said that. Tarja and Saara already were silent, they kept looking at him and sometimes Saara whispered something about Mr. Holopainen. Tarja wondered why everyone was completely silent. He was a new teacher and they usually didn't listen to teachers, especially the new ones. "Hello, I am Mr. Holopainen and I will be teaching you English for this semester" he said. "I know that most of you don't like school but that's why I first want to get to know you all a bit, let's play a game! Say your name and tell something about yourself, something like Who is your best friend at school? What's your favorite color? What are you hobbies? I'll tell about myself first. My first name is Tuomas, I am new at this school so I don't really know much other teachers or where everything in this building is so if I'm late, that will probably be the reason. My favorite color is red, first I wanted to say black but then I remembered that black isn't officially a color. My hobbies are reading and writing." Then some kids started laughing but then Saara asked What do you write? I would like to read it! And she winked at Tarja. Tarja got a little red and asked Why did you say that and then winked at me?! Are you crazy?! Tarja whispered back angrily. Tuomas was looking at the two talking girls, no one noticed because they were too busy with laughing and making jokes about him as a writer. Saara and Tarja were talking and Saara sat with her back towards Tuomas Holopainen. So that means that Tarja could look at him, and she did. She caught Tuomas looking at her and he quickly looked away and Tarja got red again. "Why are you blushing?" Saara asked and looked behind her. Then she was looking at Tarja with a broad smile. "He looked at you while you were staring at him?!" She asked and Tarja blushed again. "No, actually it was the other way around, I think he was staring at us and I didn't look at him the whole time but when I did, he quickly looked away!" Tuomas didn't say anything about it when everyone was talking and having fun instead if studying. 'Let them be for one lesson, I've been in school many times so I know they want to make fun of their teacher, I remember I used to do that too.' The first lesson was close to end and Tuomas decided to say something. "Okay, listen up for a moment! I know it's almost over and we didn't do anything but you had your fun but next lesson we're going to work!" The school bell rang again and everyone left the classroom fast except for Tarja and Saara, they walked out of his classroom slowly but not too slow that someone might think that they are waiting. They both looked at him and said bye. "Bye" he answered and looked at them while they walked away. He had known they talked about him and found him cute. "But you said that you thought he was looking at you right? Why would he look away immediately when you looked back?" Saara asked. Tarja answered "Do you think he likes me or something? You keep doing that with you face when you talk about him" and she started laughing. "Yes! You would be a lovely couple together!" And Tarja glared at her friend, she was quite in shock that she had said that. 'She thinks we would be a lovely couple together?! I know he's quite handsome and nice but... We? A couple!?' "Why do you think we would be a lovely couple? I don't like him and even if I did, he's too old for me. And also for you!" Tarja said, a bit angry and then also started laughing. They went to the next class, it was maths and it was boring... As always, maths is boring. She would rather have music class or English, at least those are subjects she's good at. The whole lesson she was thinking of their new mysterious teacher they had before maths. How he had looked at her or was he actually staring at her? And when she noticed him looking at her, he quickly looked away. Why would he look away? He didn't like her, or did he? This is all she could think about because she kinda does like him. When he spoke, everyone was quiet immediately. How did he do that? Usually no one listened to a new teacher but now they did, weird... She was lost in her own thoughts. Suddenly her maths teacher asked "Hello, Tarja? Do you know the answer? Could you tell me what you were thinking about, if it's more important than thinking about maths?" Tarja woke up from her thoughts and asked what the question was, she didn't even know what they talked about. "Maybe you could open your book first so you know what we're talking about!" Tarja opened her book, not knowing what page they were so she just randomly picked one. "We are at page 4" Saara whispered to her and she quickly turned to page 4. "Which question did she ask me?" Tarja whispered back. "If you had listened, you would have known Miss Turunen!" Her teacher said annoyed and quite a bit angry. Everyone started laughing because Tarja didn't know and had to come back after school because she wasn't listening. Finally maths lesson ended and the rest of the day nothing much happened but homework... "Wait, do I have to come back today or another day?" Tarja asked her best friend. "Today, so don't do or say anything stupid anymore and listen carefully because she already is grumpy today but when you have to back to her, your screwed. She could make you come back every day and give you extra homework so good luck with her!" Saara answered. Tarja sighed, said goodbye to her friend and walked into the direction of her math teacher's classroom.

To be continued...

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