Friends (?)

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How Jungkook and Yoongi met is actually quite the story to tell.

Jungkook was just walking down at the cafeteria at the time, half of his attention down the road and the other half is at a certain brunette's ass which he could see just well from the school's transparent window, when he bumped to a stalker-ish person, and to no one's surprise, it was Min Yoongi who seemed to have his attention on somewhere else too.

"Shit!" Yoongi hissed under his breath when his lower back collided with the cold, hard floor, "Dude, the fuck?"

"Holy –what the," Jungkook was also caught off guard, never in a million years would he ever suspect that collision –even though the other male was right in front of him this whole time. What is Jungkook supposed to say though? Taehyung's ass is fucking hot and it's worth a hundred percent of his attention, okay!

And maybe Jungkook was about to say that, but the elder cuts his line before he even got the chance.

"Now i lost my Jiminie, fucking dipshit!"

Jungkook just stared at the older for a moment, Jiminie? He thought in his mind, that dumb omega-ish alpha? That stupid pile of abs with really no brain at all? The fucking idiot that took Taehyung away from him? That fucking Jiminie?

"i don't like to talk shit about my future lover," Yoongi rubbed his temples, "but yes, that Jiminie"

Oh, Jungkook just said that aloud didn't he.

"did i said that out loud?"


"oh," Jungkook looked somewhere else to take a breathe in before adding, "well tell your Jiminie to stay the fuck away from my mate!"

Yoongi stared at Jungkook boredly, slowly starting to understand just what irony they are in, "And i would have said the same to you if only our position isn't so excrutiatingly pathetic" Yoongi muttered under his breath,

Unfortunately for Jungkook, he could hear that, "fuck you..."

Yoongi and Jungkook just stared at the floor for a few seconds, feeling down and all that shit, before they look into each other's eyes and think that maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.


Too bad they're both wrong. Yoongi and Jungkook's friendship turned out to be as much trash as their excistance, which actually isn't that much of trash, but is still trash neverthless.

Their conversation pretty much revolve around the fact that Taehyung and Jimin shouldn't be togheter.

"why the fuck did they go out in the first place"

"cuz we're too fucking late to get them"

"but Hyung, can't they see they're not meant to be?"

"like you and me?"

"ew, Hyung, fucking disgusting, now i just lost my appetite"


And sometimes it's about their daily routine of stalking their own cursh.

"fuck, Jungkook, did you see how hot Jiminie is today. Wait no, don't you fucking stare at him, forget what i was about to say"

"i'm not even into him, Hyung. Besides Taehyung is obviously hotter. I've seen him in his underwear once an –Hyung, are you imagining it? fuck, Hyung, fucking erase that thought. I said erase that thought"

"jeon, chill, i swear, if anything, i was just imagining Jimin in his underwear"

At other times it's just about Taehyung and Jimin.

"Yoongi Hyung, have you seen Taehyung?"

"no, have you seen Jimin?"


And the cycle just goes on and on and on. None of them seem bored of the odd-almost-creepy routine though, and so on it goes.

Yup, such friends they are.

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