The tale of Meleager

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Jumping off Mel's back nice and I rushed around and took our stance in front of our new reptilian friend. Much to the confusion of the other campers. All the attention was making Mel anxious and I could sense it.

"Easy boy it's okay. Nobody is going to hurt you." I hushed turning my back on hundreds of armed demigods. As Nico stood in front of us arms stretched trying to stop campers from
charging at us.

"Jackson, what are you doing with that...beast?" Clarisse screamed in my direction I can only assume.

"His harmless I promise." I attempting to reassure Mel that he was saved as well as myself.

"How can you promise such a stupid thing? It's a dragon for gods' sake. They aren't trustworthy" Drew added followed by the support of some of the Aphrodite kids.

"Oh shut it Drew" Nico scolded which only made the seven laugh but they quickly shut up when she probably glared at them.

"Stephine and Marco, what is the meaning of this?" Mr D. questioned in a bored tone.

"It's Sophia!"
"It's Nico!" We yelled in sync.

"Same difference"

I swear one of these days I'm gonna punch him. I just glared at him. Not bothered to waste my energy on him.

"She created the dragon that's how she can promise it will not hurt any of you," Nico stated as I continued to calm Mel till he lay down silently behind us.

"What do you mean created it?" Will questioned causing Nico to flinch a little. Their break up still clearly a fresh wound for my best friend. Will was the reason Nico was M.I.A for so long over the past few months.

"He means the water I'd manipulated into the form of a dragon I somehow unknowingly gave it a life force. Also, his name is Meleager not that any of you care. He's peaceful. Just so tame as the majority of the pegasuses here at camp." I explained as calmly as I possibly could.

"Chiron is that even possible?" Annabeth questioned clearly shocked.

"I've only ever heard of one child of Poseidon being able to have such control overseas. Such powers only Poseidon himself possesses. If it is true and Ms Jackson did create the creature it will only become aggressive to those who wish to cause her wrong. Other than that...Meleager, as you called him, is perfectly safe and welcome here at camp." He decided but nobody moved.

"I think that means to put down your weapons idiots! And you say I've no brain." My brother laughed draping his arm over Annabeth's shoulder and placing a kiss on her forehead. Ugh, they're lovely Dovey relationship that's developed since the last war would make me sick if I didn't love them so much.

With that everyone puts away their weapons and continued with their business. Sacrificing some of the meals to the gods, eating, joking, laughing. Just a normal run of the mill evening at camp half-blood.

"Hey Soph so you made this marvellous creature...any chance you could create us some beasties for some of our pranks?" Connor and Travis asked in unison once everyone went back to doing their own thing.

"In your dreams boys," I laughed and begin to walk toward the seven with Nico Mel getting up and following me.

"I'd take that as a yes!" Travis yelled after me.

"What do you think" Nico answered for me. I couldn't help to smirk as the twins looked slightly confused as they tried to figure out if I'd assist their master plans or not. They really are a terrible duo.

"Hey Soph, Nico" Everyone greeted as myself and Nico took our seats between Percy and Hazel.

"Soph where'd you learn to make these things. Could you make me a horse oh by the way your dragon friend says he's cold and wants to be closer to you..." I looked at him puzzled "umm I can talk to him the way we talk to horses it's weird can't you?" He asked.

Waves and Bones (A Nico di Angelo love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu